And so it Begins – the Aftermath of the ICE Raid in Newark, New Jersey

NEWARK – Mayor Ras Baraka had just finished a press conference to condemn Thursday’s ICE raid of a local seafood wholesaler when he got an interesting question from a jam-packed room.
He knows, does he not, that the Trump Administration has suggested local officials who seek to stymie ICE may be prosecuted?
“I’ve heard that,” he deadpanned.
Then Baraka grew defiant.
“If he thinks we’re just going to go to jail quietly, he has another thing coming.”
So there.
The raid in question took place Thursday reportedly at Ocean Seafood Depot in the city’s Ironbound section.
The mayor said three undocumented workers were detained, which would seem to be a rather small percentage of the workforce. The company’s website says it’s been in business for 25 years and that it serves about 1,000 restaurants.
But for Baraka, two House members and a host of local officials on hand for Friday’s event, the number was not the issue. It is how it all went down.
He said one of the employees interrogated by ICE was an American citizen and a military vet to boot.
And ICE had no warrant to search the premises.
Amy Torres, of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, said ICE workers arrived with guns drawn and proceeded to bang down bathroom doors in case someone was hiding.
“This is one of those bitter, ‘I told you so moments,'” she said.
Donald Trump has been straightforward about cracking down on illegal immigration. At the same time, there have been indications that the concentration would be on those suspected of committing violent crimes.
The mayor quickly condemned the raid in a press release Thursday night. He said today that he got a few angry calls from people advising him not “to f….” with the feds and that he was protecting rapists and murderers.
“The problem is that none of these people were rapists or murderers,” he said.
And that was the theme of the day – a fear that ICE will go after people who work everyday and as such, contribute to the economy. And many of these undocumented employees work in less than attractive settings – like in a warehouse filled with fish.
Trump said this week that ICE would reserve the right to go after people in church or in school.
That just about moved Teresa Ruiz, the Majority Leader in the state Senate, to tears.
“My biggest fear is that this happens inside of a classroom,” said Ruiz, a Newark resident.
The mayor and his supporters pledged to fight imminent deportations in the courts and by ensuring workers know their rights.
Of course, if there are warrantless-raids, those rights can be meaningless.
The two House members who spoke were LaMonica McIver and Robert Menendez Jr.
Speaking out – forcefully – may not bring results, but must be done. Menendez put it thusly:
“We have to speak up for them (undocumented workers). We can’t let them live in fear.”
It’s about time they came to New Jersey, and any pandering politician who gets in the way should be dealt with as per Tom Homan!
This article flows with the skill set of a junior high school student. So many embarrassing errors: The second paragraph is poorly written and is NOT a question.
The article continues and states that Menendez put it thusly:
“We have to speak up for them (undocumented workers). We can’t let them live in fear.”
So once they ILLEGALLY cross the US border, they should relax and have no concern of repercussions regarding their UNDOCUMENTED entry into our sovereign county?
Having more people in the country illegally makes it less safe for American citizens. Does Mr. Menendez prefer that LEGAL citizens live in fear while those that perpetuate the issue face no consequences?
Of course neither human nor miller (aka pee-wee German) are actually down on the ground are they Henry?
In other news overflights of US military aircraft carrying targeted undocumented individuals have been denied by South American nations as permission to land were flatly denied.
Sounds like the law of unintended consequences is kicking in on day 5 of the US Imperial presidency don’t it?
That plus the recent threats of US Special Forces striking within territorial borders of Douth American sovereignty apparently have riled a nascent “Yankee Stay Home” response?
All this and more as Marco (little Marco) strikes down long writ down US foreign relations protocols and treaties on his day one as Sec O State,, under the Trump doctrine.
Along comes Canadian Premier Ford who has now called for a snap referendum to gauge the pulse and mood of the Canadian People in response to the sword rattling of the Imperial US President and his threats to seize the Panama Canal as world powers are watching and contemplating their response to the rampaging executive?
Whatever could possibly go wrong now?
Fourth amendment you need warrants how can they justify detaining a Hispanic us veteran I can’t believe people think that he was an illegal alien in the army you could be anywhere and you have to have a passport and ID to prove your citizenship if you go against Trump you get threats sometimes death how come they did not question the US workers or Portuguese workers the owner has business for 25 years a thousand restaurant supplied this is the only beginning I expect a lot of nasty comments how can you have guns drawn and bathroom doors knocked down everything was based on complaint who complained I’ve said enough but I like to say more
Once again a useless mayor pretends to be fighting for a good cause. He is fighting for prleople commiting crimes of labor laws and immigration. The mayor doesn’t care that Newark property taxes are destroying the city and crime is the highest in the state or the city property tax is slammed with $55M bus service in the worst high schools in the state. The Fed. Govt. should step in and manage these broken cities. Baraka care more about property taxes and lower them thats your job not to coddle a few illegal aliens and buisness that illegally hire them.
They need to start looking for illegals at Trump’s golf courses, country clubs, hotels, etc…. the hypocrite uses illegal immigrants for cheap labor for decades! Piece of sh×t
It is time to stand up to this megalomaniac’s bully tactics. Regardless of immigration status, all those on American soil are entitled to equal protection under the law. Tom Homan is nothing more than a retarded dipshit with no understanding of the Constitution. As for Felony Donnie, if he thinks we are going to bend knee and accept his rule of terror, he is sadly mistaken. He’s going to find himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Check the history books and see how other dictators fared.
You hit it right on the nose
To Henry – Warrantless searches with guns drawn are illegal. For all you Trump cultists who are all about punishing people who came here illegally, how about following the law?
Hopefully the next victim is your mother
Deport all invaders now!
Deport All illegal Invaders and arrest any Democrat who tries to protect them!
Democrats Love Rapist Illegals, you’re a moron. Your president an adjudicated rapist, sexual deviant, and convicted felon. I suspect you probably diddle little boys.
Hilarious some of the replies crying here. Insane leftists with server TDS who no longer have common sense. Illegal immigrants with offenses are being caught. 2 things 1-here illegally 2-committed crimes. Murderers and others criminals. Nowhere has ice Saud only murders, facts matter. But hey if you are OK with criminals illegal or not to roam the streets. Best of luck to you and your families in these cities.
Working or not,,, in the country illegally then your breaking the law. Go get them ICE!
An American hero and patriot.
Thank you for putting yourself on the line in the interest of decency and humanity. You’re an inspiration.
You do not need a warrant to chase down a criminal. And to all you loud mouths on here, if you crossed the boarder without permission you are a CRIMINAL. Get ALL the illegal criminals out of MY country. We The People do not want them here freeloading and bringing their dangerous third world mentality to our shores. GTFO and go make your country better.
Michael F… you forgot about 34 count convicted felon, twice impeached 4 time indicted known Epstein associate cop killing pardoning violent insurrectionist seditionists?
Jezsayin right?
I’m not even a Democrat, but there are some things that should be set straight.
1. This isn’t YOUR country. It is a sovereignty built on stolen land by stolen people.
That’s point 2 and 3 as well.
Semelia, Since you are on a guilt trip, if you think the USA is on stolen land why don’t you self deport yourself to whatever country your ancestors came from. And you do sound like a stupid leftwing liberal idiot.
@Robert M, yeah, you need a warrant to enter private property. That’s what prevents law enforcement from just walking in your house and arresting you. And explain how PEOPLE WITH JOBS are freeloading in YOUR country. Take your own advice and GTFO.
I remember growing up that you needed to carry ID with you once to were 18.
So if the worker was a US Citizen and had ID on him there should not be an issue .
There was a time when every accusation of natural criminality, ignorant, permanently slow and unteachable were core beliefs about Irish, Italians and Jews. Ralph Peters writing novels as Owen Parry has a great civil war series that touches on the attitudes toward Irish.
I am sorrowful to read the hate being shown now. It is as if adults reverted to 7th graders.