Bramnick Proposes Property Tax Relief for First Responders

Senator Jon Bramnick (R-21) introduced legislation, SCR-120, that would amend New Jersey’s Constitution to provide a one-hundred percent property tax exemption for police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians who are injured in the line of duty and qualify for an accidental disability pension. This exemption would apply exclusively to the first responder’s primary residence.

“This is a commonsense bill that would provide a full property tax exemption to our brave first responders who have been injured in the line of duty,” said Sen. Bramnick. “If they suffer a debilitating injury, the men and women who serve our communities shouldn’t be burdened with property taxes on their primary home.”

This initiative was brought to Senator Bramnick’s attention by Antonio Marsillo, a decorated NYPD Sergeant.

You can read a draft of the legislation online.

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4 responses to “Bramnick Proposes Property Tax Relief for First Responders”

  1. I’m sorry, but this is proposed legislation, SCR-120 introduced by Bramnick is a SLAP IN THE FACE TO ALL NEW JERSEY TAXPAYERS!!!!!! Bramnick would give full 100% property tax relief to all police officers, firefighters, and EMTs injured on the job. Really!!!! Who pays their salaries Jon???? We taxpayers do!!!!! We need to get the property tax breaks first before any government agents get property taxes. What about the 30% of the entire population of disabled New Jerseyans getting property tax breaks first???? Yes, that’s right. 30% of the NJ population is on some form of disability.

    What a bunch of arrogant pandering to a voting bloc. Bramnick just exposed himself as a Democrat. But, then again, he’s a lawyer. About 60-65% of all lawyers are registered Democrats.

  2. This bill puts our state on the right path! It SHOULD be bipartisan, but we know how the Democrats operate. While only a start to addressing property tax relief for all residents, this bill surely helps our injured law enforcement, fire fighters, and EMTs! Thank you Senator Bramnick!

  3. All New Jersey residents need their property taxes lowered, and this bill, while only a start, puts our state back on the right path. This bill should be bipartisan, and if it is, then all of New Jerseyans will see a change in policy that will shift the post further and further towards our government spending LESS of our money! I thank Chairwoman Patricia Johnson of the Mercer GOP for standing in support of this legislation!

  4. This is an admirable proposal. But, the CAN is once again being kicked down the road..
    The real issue is called, “Home-Rule.” Every New Jersey politician – (past and present)- tinkers around the edges of the true reason for high property taxes.
    The complexities of this issue makes it a political hot potato. The next Governor of New Jersey will need to be willing to get burnt and tackle this issue head on with some reasonable and workable solutions instead of playing nice to selective groups.
    All New Jerseyans need some relief from this heavy burden. Otherwise, New Jersey residents will be either rich or poor, because the middle-class will have no other option but to leave the state.

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