Jersey City Flashpoint: Fulop Taps Kinberg for Ward D Council Candidacy

Mayor Steven M. Fulop today announced the addition of Jersey City Heights activist Moriah “Mo” Kinberg to the ‘Team Fulop’ slate as the Ward D council candidate. Kinberg kicked off her campaign for the Ward D council seat earlier this year.
“Mo has long served as an example of a positive force in the Heights community, and has proven to be someone who cares deeply about improving her neighborhood in a variety of ways,” said Fulop. “As Mayor, and as a resident of the Heights, I am proud to support Mo for Council this November, knowing she will continue to be a strong advocate for the residents of the Heights.”
Kinberg has long been an active member of the Jersey City Heights community. In 2011, she began the Riverview Farmers Market, which has been an incubator for small businesses and nonprofit organizations as well as an outdoor community center and a venue for arts and music. It has also provided affordable access to local NJ farm fresh foods for low-income families and seniors. Kinberg has continued to use her skills as an organizer to address neighborhood issues like trash and parking. She has organized civic engagement forums to connect community members with elected officials and city departments and to get more people involved in the political process.
As a candidate, Kinberg plans to focus on improving the livability and quality of life for residents of Ward D, with a focus on community policing, sanitation and the maintaining the neighborhood’s parks. She also plans to focus on transportation and parking issues throughout the Heights, including fighting for safe, reliable and accessible transportation and parking solutions for the community. Through her involvement in the Riverview Farmers Market, she has gained an important understanding of the needs of local small businesses, and promises to work together with neighborhood business owners to move the community’s businesses forward.
“I am very excited to join Mayor Fulop’s ticket for this November’s election. My community work has always been about advancing the Heights: from quality of life issues such as clean streets and parking, to encouraging civic engagement, housing affordability, and small business development. I am thrilled to continue to work with the Mayor as a candidate for council on these issues. As Jersey City grows, we have challenges and opportunities ahead of us, and I am looking forward to getting to work during the next few months.”
Mo Kinberg’s campaign is supported by network of energetic volunteers who have worked during the past few months to engage with the local community. Her campaign manager, Jake Ahearn, has a background in data and technology. Jake has collaborated with Jersey City’s Office of Innovation to help analyze crime data to allow JCPD to better serve the community.
Local business owner Nick Caballero will serve as Chief Strategist, utilizing his strong ties within the Jersey City community to get residents engaged with Mo’s campaign. As a long-time community leader in the Heights, Caballero was one of the founding trustees of the Washington Park Association, later serving the Board of Trustees as Secretary and then President, a member of the Jersey City Arts Advisory Committee, and has been heavily involved in the Riverview Arts District. Caballero is the owner of Nick Caballero Ideas for Living and is a partner in the new Square 1 Community Eatery North of Journal Square.
Mo will be the sixth council candidate to be added to the ‘Team Fulop’ slate, joining At-Large Councilman Rolando Lavarro, At-Large Councilwoman Joyce Watterman, At-Large Councilman Danny Rivera, Ward A council candidate Denise Ridley and Ward F Councilman Jermaine Robinson.
The remainder of the ‘Team Fulop’ slate is expected to be finalized in the coming months.
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