Mayor Hameeduddin Will Not Run for Re-Election in Teaneck

Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin

Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin announced today that he would not be a candidate for re-election after serving Teaneck for more than a decade.  First elected to Township Council in 2008, Hameeduddin was elected Mayor in 2010 and has continued to serve after successful re-election campaigns.

“It has been a true honor to serve the citizens of Teaneck as a Councilman and as Mayor.  As Mayor of Teaneck, I am proud of all we have accomplished. Some of my key accomplishments include: Improved employee working conditions and zero employee lawsuits during my tenure; Saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by joining the Joint Insurance Fund; Improved the infrastructure by rehabbing the municipal complex and building the sportsplex; Paved a record number of roads; Created millions of dollars in new ratables; and most importantly created five Zero-Increase budgets in a row,” Hameeduddin said.
“I will continue to advocate for Teaneck and for progressive policies but will be doing so as a private citizen for now,” he added. “I want everyone to know that I will continue to raise my voice on issues I care about.  I am a progressive and I support progressive values.  That will never change.

“Twelve years ago, former Mayor Jackie Kates decided not to run, and had she run I probably would never had the chance to serve the Town. I want to pay it forward with the same act, by not running I hope this paves the way for others,” said Hameeduddin.

“I am supporting Mike Pagan and Deputy Mayor Mark Schwartz this year in their bid for Teaneck Council. Mike Pagan ran against me four years ago and I admire that he put his differences aside to serve as my designee on the planning board for the last two years.  He has served the town with distinction, as a Teaneck High School Graduate and someone who is committed to Teaneck he deserves the opportunity to serve,” said Hameeduddin. “Mark has been my friend for 16 years and he has shown his commitment to Teaneck by being a life member of the Ambulance Corps and always sacrificing his time to serve.”

“I wish to thank the citizens for the opportunity to serve.  I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with fellow Teaneck officials and appreciate the hard work of our very dedicated staff to make Teaneck a great place to live,” concluded Hameduddin.

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