The Menendez V. Hugin Scene Outside the NJTV Studio in Newark

NEWARK – It’s hard to see what it really means, but dozens of supporters of both Bob Menendez and Bob Hugin are yelling at each  other in the hallway outside the NJTV studio.

The loyal supporters are separated by about five feet of hallway and police are keeping them apart.

That’s not all.

Team Hugin also has a truck driving around the studio loudly blaring anti-Menendez messages.

Ah, democracy in action.

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One response to “The Menendez V. Hugin Scene Outside the NJTV Studio in Newark”

  1. Hugin used millions he extorted from cancer patients to try to buy this Senate seat. Despicable. He is in Trump’s back pocket and will vote with big pharma and to take ACA down. NO TRUMPS IN NJ.

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