BCDO Korean-American Caucus Endorses Juliano For BCDO Chair

The Korean-American Caucus -which is composed of every elected official of Korean ethnicity in Bergen County- proudly endorses Paul Juliano as the new Chairman of the Democratic Committee of Bergen County. We offer the outgoing Chairman Lou Stellato our best wishes in his new position on the New Jersey Sports and Exhibition Authority. Lou Stellato did an outstanding job as Chairman and it will not be an easy task to replace him. We are fortunate, therefore, that Paul Juliano stepped up to the challenge of taking over the reins of DCBC as Mr. Juliano is the only person who has the experience, the passion and the ability to take on this enormous task.
We are proud to call Mr. Juliano our friend and our Chairman. We wholeheartedly, and without reservation, endorse Paul Juliano as the new Chairman of the Democratic Committee of Bergen County.