Congressman Herb Conaway Jr., MD Hosted His First Town Hall Meeting as a Member of Congress

Congressman Herb Conaway Jr., MD Hosted His First Town Hall Meeting as a Member of Congress

Washington D.C — Last week, Congressman Herb Conaway Jr., MD, hosted his first town hall at the Burlington County Library, where he engaged with constituents on critical issues facing the community and the nation. During the town hall, Congressman Conaway addressed pressing concerns, provided updates on legislative initiatives, and reaffirmed his dedication to serving the district. One of the key moments of the event was when he stated:

“During the funeral of President Carter, I was reminded of an important quotation of his I will share with you. He said, ‘When the storm comes, when the times get tough, you have to be tethered to your values because they will see you through the storm.’ I think at times such as these, it will be important for all of us to hold on to our values as we deal with significant challenges to our freedoms.”

In response to questions about cuts to government programs like Medicaid and SNAP, Congressman Conaway emphasized his strong opposition to any reductions, stating:

“These cuts across the board are being driven and put forward in service of a desire to provide an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in our country. Democrats are going to fight this to protect what is right and defend the Constitution.”

Congressman Conaway also emphasized the need to find bipartisan solutions that will not just benefit his constituents, but middle-class families across the country:

“I have worked with people in both parties on a bipartisan basis for over 25 years, and it’s sometimes the best way to get things done. The things that last and are often times the most effective pieces of legislation are generally done in a bipartisan. I will be bipartisan when it’s achievable because we cannot fail, and we will not fail to make sure the American people get what they need.”

Congressman Conaway concluded the town hall by reassuring his constituents and sharing ways they could express their opposition to any future policies proposed by Congressional Republicans or the Trump Administration.

“Sending letters, organizing and marching, visiting Washington D.C., and speaking to representatives about the issues that matter most to you—these are all ways to make your voice heard. The last thing you want to do is remain silent and not speak up. The stakes are too high, and the issues are far too important, so I encourage all of you here tonight to not give up and keep fighting, because when we are united, there is nothing we can’t do.”

Congressman Conaway added that he intends to keep his campaign promise and hold one town hall a month.


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