East Brunswick Republican Candidates Release Plan to Stretch Tax Dollars

East Brunswick Republican Candidates Release Plan to Stretch Tax Dollars
For Immediate Release
East Brunswick, NJ- East Brunswick Republican Candidates for Council, Councilwoman Camille Clark, Curt Philipczak and Dhar Khona released a plan to stretch to the tax dollars of the residents of East Brunswick. The plan consists of the following points.
- Smart Redevelopment that protects quality of life- No more high density housing, high-rises and apartments in residential neighborhoods. At its heart, East Brunswick is a residential community made up of single family homes. We pledge to protect the traditional makeup of East Brunswick and preserve property values.
- Stop giveaways to developers- New textbooks for students to preserve the standing of our schools are a much better use of tax revenues than giveaways to politically connected developers. We will oppose the use of PILOT programs and eminent domain.
- Keep spending in check and stop raising taxes- Shared services agreements with neighboring towns are a must, as well as eliminating wasteful spending through a complete and thorough audit of municipal government. We will further keep spending in check through the elimination PILOT programs.
- Make the environment, infrastructure and recreation a priority- The Democrats, “Build, Build, Build” mentality has reduced our tax revenues through developer giveaways. Without these giveaways, we will be able to preserve open space, enhance our parks and trails, fix our roads and improve the library.
Councilwoman Camille Clark stated:
“The residents of East Brunswick deserve to get more out of their tax dollars so that they can afford to remain in town. We can achieve this through a smarter approach to re-development that preserves open space, and by ending PILOT programs that cater to developers by giving them 25 year tax subsidies while the rest of East Brunswick residents have to pick up the tab for the several thousands of new kids coming into town when the new 1500 apartment units are built in the next few years.”
Curt Philipczak stated:
“As a CPA, I have firsthand experience with eliminating waste. These giveaways to developers mean we have less revenues for education, and the residents of East Brunswick will either be taxed out or our students education will begin to suffer due to overcrowding and insufficient resources. If elected, I will take my professional experience and work to perform an audit of all municipal spending to eliminate waste, so that our school system remains top class.”
Dhar Khona stated:
“Living & being Educated in East Brunswick has allowed my family and I to achieve the American Dream. Unfortunately, the pet projects of the Democrats means that taxes are too high and we waste too much money. If elected, I will fight to eliminate waste and taxpayer giveaways so that East Brunswick remains accessible to my kids and all those who work hard and want to call it home.”
Questions and comments may be directed to campaign spokesman Zach Myshkoff at zmyshkoff1@gmail.com.