JCEA Executive Board Member Greco: Vote No on Jersey City Resolution Taking Our Right to Vote

Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop

Dear Jersey City Council Members, 

I am writing to you as a teacher, resident and most importantly a parent and respectfully implore you to vote down the resolution which will mandate the Mayor appointing Board of Education trustees.  The right to vote is our democratic right as American citizens and to take away or limit that in which we as Americans are entitled to and that so many across the globe long for is unacceptable.  The Mayor's rationale for this resolution is that it would attract more qualified candidates and avoid some of the scandals and resignations that have recently occurred.  However, there seems to be no concrete  plan or fail safe mechanism in place to assure that this will not happen with appointees and looking at appointees of other various municipal jobs under this administration actually makes the case against the resolution citing it would surely continue to happen if this were passed.  It is  also worth noting that many of the egregious issues that have occurred with the Jersey City Board of Education in the last decade such as an unprecedented budget shortfall due to irresponsible spending and the first teacher strike in Jersey City occurred under the watch of a Superintendent and Board that were hand picked by the Mayor.  Therefore, how and why would the citizens of Jersey City give up this coveted right to vote and put it on the hands of Mayor Fulop who has shown that the very problems which he speaks about would indeed occur with appointed Board of Education trustees.  Most importantly,  we have finally overcome several major hurdles and are poised to take steps to move the District forward.  We have hired a Superintendent who has given his life to Jersey City and education and who has come up through the ranks and understands its' unique culture.  The power and right should remain in the hands of our residents to continue to elect members that fit the needs of our diverse city and who can work with our new Superintendent to face and conquer the looming financial crisis that will continue to harm us from Trenton.  The time, energy and money it will take to pass this resolution and lobby for it in  November can be better spent forming joint committees between the Board of Education, the City or Jersey City and other stakeholders such as parents, teachers and students to put forth real solutions for our schools. If this goes through, the outcome will deeply negatively affect several aspects of life here in Jersey City and will surely touch every resident in Some way. They’re is one clear answer and that is that it needs to be stopped cold tonight in the Council chambers.  You raised your hand recently and  took an oath to uphold the Constitution.  Therefore, please do your due diligence and uphold it. In this case the only way to do so is to listen to the people who are overwhelmingly expressing outrage at the mere consideration of this intolerable action of limiting our American right. 


Mike Greco

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