Longtime Bound Brook Democrat Councilman Vinnie Petti Endorses Republicans Morris & Speed

Councilman Vinnie Petti Endorses Morris & Speed

November 2, 2024

Bound Brook, NJ – Longtime Democrat Councilman Vinnie Petti announces his support for Republicans Dave Morris and Mark Speed for Bound Brook Borough Council.

“Having served on the Council with both Councilman Morris and Former Councilman Gomez, the better choices for Bound Brook could not be more clear. I invite all Bound Brook Democrats and Independents to join me in casting their ballots for the candidates who will do right by the residents of Bound Brook: David Morris & Mark Speed.”

“Councilman Morris and Planning Board Member Speed have been valuable partners in the bipartisan fight to liberate Bound Brook from the developers. By contrast, Former Councilman Gomez has a long history of giving developers everything they ask for at the residents’ expense, including huge tax breaks that cost our schools millions in revenue. The Gomez team is unapologetic about supporting the rapid construction of high-rise, high-density housing, and is campaigning on “bringing in new developments.” I believe, as do Dave and Mark, that the Council’s job is to represent the residents, not ensure the profitability of developers.”

Bound Brook is currently being sued regarding development that Former Councilman Gomez supported. The lawsuit could result in millions of dollars in damages. “Dave and I did not take any actions that resulted or will result in the Borough being sued,” Petti said.

Petti and Morris worked together across party lines to save taxpayers money in 2024. “The Council cut hundreds of thousands of dollars from the budget by consolidating the Administrator and Clerk position and retaining different legal counsel,” Petti said.

Petti said that Morris has prioritized public safety for Bound Brook residents while Gomez has failed our first responders. “Councilman Morris negotiated a fair contract with our Police Department, making recruiting and retention easier and boosting morale for those responsible for ensuring our residents’ safety. Councilman Gomez has played personal politics with our emergency medical services, causing Fire Company #2 to shutter.”

Planning Board member Mark Speed thanked Petti for his support. “The fight against overdevelopment transcends politics. During his tenure on the Council, Vinnie Petti has demonstrated a rare and admirable willingness to break with his party and take a principled stand. Dave and I are honored to have his endorsement,” said Speed.

Republicans and Democrats agree: Morris and Speed are better for Bound Brook.

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