Monmouth County’s Election Offices Remind Voters to Adhere to Electioneering Law at the Polls

Monmouth County’s Election Offices Remind Voters to Adhere to Electioneering Law at the Polls

State law prohibits displaying campaign messages within 100 feet of voting sites

FREEHOLD, NJ – Monmouth County’s Elections Offices are reminding voters that it is illegal to campaign within 100 feet of the entrance of a polling location, and that includes visibly displaying support for a candidate on clothing. According to New Jersey statute 19:34-15, a person doing so “shall be guilty of a disorderly persons offense.”

The statute also applies within 100-feet of ballot drop boxes as well as the Board of Elections Office at 300 Halls Mill Road in Freehold, where completed mail-in ballots are submitted.

The statute states:

19:34-15 Electioneering within or about polling place; disorderly persons offense.
19:34-15. If a person shall distribute or display any circular or printed matter or offer any suggestion or solicit any support for any candidate, party or public question within the polling place or room or within a distance of 100 feet of the outside entrance to such polling place or room, or within 100 feet of a ballot drop box in use during the conduct of an election, the person shall be guilty of a disorderly persons offense.

To access the statute directly from New Jersey’s Department of State website, click the link:

About Monmouth County’s Elections Offices

Monmouth County’s three elections offices—the Clerk of Elections, Superintendent of Elections and Board of Elections—operate independently but work in partnership to facilitate the election process in Monmouth County. The Board of Elections is comprised of six Commissioners (three Republicans and three Democrats) appointed by the Governor. The Board of Elections, which oversees polling locations, poll workers and drop boxes, may be contacted at 732-431-7802.

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