Munoz questions Murphy’s priorities with charity care holdout

Munoz questions Murphy’s priorities with charity care holdout
TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz is worried that Governor Phil Murphy’s priorities will harm the state’s charity care recipients. Murphy plans on delaying payments to the state’s health insurance program for low-income families because of a shortfall in the state’s general fund.
“The so-called structural budget deficit is Murphy’s own making,” said Munoz (R-Union). “If he found enough money in the general fund to give raises to his administration and public unions, why can’t he pay for the health care of the most vulnerable New Jerseyans?”
Murphy gave about 35,000 state employees a $150 million raise in April and signed legislation boosting salaries for judges, cabinet officials, county prosecutors and top legislative aides by $15.6 million.
“Governor Murphy is making his priorities clear by carving out spending for his personal interests over the interests of doctors and patients,” continued Munoz, a member of the Assembly Budget Committee. “This has been one of my biggest concerns during this budget process; Murphy wants to spend $2.7 billion more with new programs next year while we cannot fund our current responsibilities.”
Charity care is matched by federal funding, which doubles the loss to the industry when any cuts are proposed.
“What makes this so infuriating is that every dollar delayed for state funding is a dollar delayed in federal funding. That is a huge blow to the budgets of our hospitals and the health care they are able to provide,” concluded Munoz.