N.J. State Nurses Association Awards More Than $13,000 in Scholarships
Ten New Jersey nurses were recently awarded more than $13,000 in educational scholarships from the Institute for Nursing (IFN), the foundation of the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA).
“The mission of the Institute for Nursing is to preserve the heritage, principles, values and practices of nursing through the support of scholarships, education and research,” said Mary Ellen Levine, MSN/Ed RN CHPN, chair of the IFN, at a luncheon held at the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) headquarters in Ewing on April 7, 2019. “We want to bring more nurses into the profession and inspire nurses to continue their education with advanced degrees. This effort is vital to improving the quality of patient care in New Jersey and the practice of nursing.”
The IFN complements the work of NJSNA, the largest nursing organization in the state, by raising funds and developing and managing grants to support advances in research, education and clinical practice. It provides tuition assistance for students enrolled in entry-level nursing, career mobility and advanced nurse research in both clinical and academic settings. Since 1989, the IFN has awarded more than a half million dollars in scholarships to individuals who are looking to become Registered Nurses (RNs)and RN’s seeking to acquire their bachelor, masters or doctoral degrees in nursing.
Learn more about the IFN: https://njsna.org/institute-for-nursing/