NJHRC: Governor Murphy’s pardons are historic step to right wrongs of New Jersey’s drug war


Earlier today, Governor Murphy pardoned or commuted the sentences of 33 residents, with the significant majority of pardons for non-violent drug-related offenses. Today’s pardons are the first by Governor Murphy and more are possible. Residents convicted of outdated, ineffective drug war violations are encouraged to apply for clemency through New Jersey’s Clemency Advisory Board.  

In response to today’s announcement, New Jersey Harm Reduction Coalition issues the following statement:

Jenna Mellor, Executive Director, New Jersey Harm Reduction Coalition

These pardons are historic for New Jersey and should be celebrated. This is what justice looks like for families who were harmed by the war on drugs, and this is what it looks like to treat drug use as a matter of public and personal health instead of punishment.

For decades, New Jersey had some of the strictest drug war penalties in the nation, along with the highest racial disparities in arrests and convictions. We commend Governor Murphy for his actions to right those wrongs of the past, and we hope to see more pardons for residents targeted by the war on drugs.”


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