Phillipsburg Democratic Committee Elects Lee Clark as New Party Chairman

Phillipsburg Democratic Committee Elects Lee Clark as New Party Chairman
The Phillipsburg Democratic Committee elected Lee Clark as their party’s new Chairman during their June reorganization meeting. Lee Clark serves as a Councilman in Phillipsburg, Warren County’s largest municipality with a population of over 15,000. Clark made history as the town’s first African-American Councilman in 2019 after being appointed to fill a vacancy on the Republican-majority council following the resignation of fellow Democrat Josh Davis. Clark was elected to a full four-year term in the 2021 election along with running mate Keith Kennedy.
“It is an incredible privilege to serve in leadership with the full support of our dedicated committee members. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly and will fulfill faithfully,” stated Chairman Clark. “My vision for the direction of our party is clear. We must galvanize our base to decisive action, engage the next generation of voters coming of age, and diligently work to get Democrats elected up and down the ballot. We will foster a steadfast union by seizing the values lost amongst our conservative counterparts of initiative, innovation, and above all diversity.”
“Lee will be a great Chair, he has the energy and enthusiasm to take our organization to the next level,” stated former Chairman and newly-elected Vice Chairman T. Kent Corcoran. “I am excited to work with Lee to get more Democrats elected.”
“I am pleased to have the opportunity, in our new roles, to work with such a dynamic and energetic leader.” stated newly-elected Warren County Democratic Committee Chairman Charles Boddy. “Lee’s appetite for new challenges and opportunities to serve is exemplary.”
“Though the path forward is clear, I admit it will not be easy vying with the entrenched conservative political machine here in Warren County,” stated Chairman Clark. “This will be a testament of integrity, moral resolve, and principle.”
To learn more about the Phillipsburg Democratic Committee, visit their website at