Gottheimer walks a tightrope through tangled impeachment terrain.



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Problem Solvers Caucus announced its members for the 117th Congress, including sixteen new members, bringing the Caucus’ total membership to 28 Democrats and 28 Republicans.


“Over the last four years, we’ve steadily illustrated the benefits of bipartisan lawmaking and the power of working together to break the gridlock. Now, we’re ready to build on that progress, help the nation heal, and ensure Washington is finally focused on best serving the needs of the American people,” said Problem Solvers Co-Chair Tom Reed. “The continued growth of the Caucus, including our wonderful class of new members, is a testament to the growing number of proud Republicans and proud Democrats in Congress willing to put country before party.”


“As the President said yesterday, we must put country first, find ways to bind our wounds, and unite to tackle our toughest challenges — from the virus to the economy. With Congress now narrowly divided in both chambers, bipartisanship will be key to enacting meaningful legislation,” said Problem Solvers Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “With this new class of Problem Solvers Caucus members, it’s clear that there is growing enthusiasm to break through the gridlock in Congress and work across the aisle to help move our nation forward. I’m honored to help lead this group this Congress at such a pivotal moment.”


The Problem Solvers Caucus leadership for the 117th Congress consists of:


Democratic Co-Chair: Josh Gottheimer [NJ-5]

Republican Co-Chair: Tom Reed [NY-23]


Members of the Problem Solvers Caucus for the 117th Congress include:

New members are italicized.


Mark Amodei [NV-02]

Don Bacon [NE-02]

Carolyn Bordeaux [GA-07]

Michael Bost [IL -12]

Salud Carbajal [CA-24]

Ben Cline [VA-06]

Lou Correa [CA-46]

Jim Costa [CA-16]

John Curtis [UT-03]

Debbie Dingell [MI-12]

Brian Fitzpatrick [PA-01]

Michael Gallagher [WI-08]

Andrew Garbarino [NY-02]

Jared Golden [ME-02]

Tony Gonzales [TX-23]

Anthony Gonzalez [OH-16]

Vicente Gonzalez [TX-15]

Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon [PR-AL]

Josh Harder [CA-10]

Jaime Herrera Beutler [WA-03]

Steven Horsford [NV-04]

Chrissy Houlahan [PA-06]

Bill Johnson [OH-06]

Dusty Johnson [SD-AL]

David Joyce [OH-14]

John Katko [NY-24]

Young Kim [CA-39]

Conor Lamb [PA-17]

Susie Lee [NV-03]

Elaine Luria [VA-02]

Tom Malinowski [NJ-07]

Peter Meijer [MI-03]

Daniel Meuser [PA-09]

Stephanie Murphy [FL-07]

Tom O’Halleran [AZ-01]

Jimmy Panetta [CA-20]

Scott Peters [CA-52]

Dean Phillips [MN-03]

Tom Rice [SC-07]

Brad Schneider [IL-10]

Kurt Schrader [OR-05]

Elissa Slotkin [MI-08]

Chris Smith [NJ-04]

Lloyd Smucker [PA-11]

Darren Soto [FL-09]

Abigail Spanberger [VA-07]

Pete Stauber [MN-08]

Bryan Steil [WI-01]

Haley Stevens [MI-11]     

Thomas Suozzi [NY-03]

Van Taylor [TX-03]

Fred Upton [MI-06]


“Now, more than ever, we need bipartisanship. The Problems Solver Caucus is ready to roll our sleeves up, get in the room, and leave our party identities at the door. Fighting, blaming, and partisan bickering do nothing to help those millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. The historical challenges of the moment demand bipartisan solutions. I am honored to serve once again as a vice chair in this group and am ready to get back to work,” said Rep. Fred Upton, Co-Vice Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus.


“In this moment of deep division and crisis, we need to come together to address the major challenges we face – including an ongoing pandemic, a stunted vaccination effort, and continued mass unemployment. This effort will require Members of Congress to build legislative solutions that can make it to President Biden’s desk and be signed into law, and I’m proud to be a part of a coalition of lawmakers that prioritizes results for those we serve,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger, Co-Vice Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus. “At the close of the last Congress, we watched as the Problem Solvers Caucus successfully jumpstarted COVID-19 relief negotiations after months of inaction. That same spirit of action will guide the Problem Solvers Caucus in the coming weeks and months.”


“Hyper-partisanship is the single biggest threat facing our nation. Bipartisanship is the only remedy that will save and heal our nation. The Problem Solvers Caucus has always stood for common sense solutions to everyday challenges,” said Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Co-Vice Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus. “As we begin the 117th Congress with thin margins in the House and Senate, it is so important that we come together in the spirit of bipartisanship. I look forward to working with my colleagues to break the gridlock and to deliver real results for the American people.”


“The American people that we serve need us, and quite frankly are demanding, that we work together across party lines to get things done for the people we represent. That’s what President Biden wants too. Let’s do it, ” said Rep. Tom Suozzi, Co-Vice Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus.


Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler, Co-Vice Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus said, “Finding common ground on solutions that benefit Southwest Washington and our country as a whole has always been my focus in Congress. Whether that’s keeping Main Street businesses afloat during this challenging time, restoring an economy with good-paying jobs, or ending the maternal mortality crisis – I look forward to working with the Problem Solvers Caucus to address our nation’s needs.”


“At a time America requires unity and bipartisanship more than ever, I’m honored to work alongside fellow Democrats and Republicans on a shared mission of using common sense, to find common ground, in pursuit of the common good,” said Rep. Dean Phillips, Co-Vice Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus.


“I came to Congress to break through the partisan gridlock and get things done for the 39th District of California,” said Rep. Young Kim. “I am thrilled to be able to keep my promise to my constituents to work in a bipartisan way and hit the ground running with these like-minded members who want to find consensus. The Problem Solvers Caucus is Congress working at its best and has played a significant role in making bipartisan deals on COVID-19 relief, immigration reform, health care and other important policy issues. I look forward to finding common ground with my colleagues and being a bipartisan voice for the 39th District of California.”


“I joined the Problem Solvers Caucus because my constituents are counting on me to deliver for them. Before starting my career in politics, I led Nevada’s Culinary Training Academy and worked with people from all backgrounds to train Nevadans for good jobs in the hospitality industry. As Majority Leader in the Nevada Senate, I built a bipartisan coalition to rescue our state from a budget crisis. Now, in the House of Representatives, I’ve been proud to work across the aisle to create good jobs, protect working people, and build a bright future for families in Nevada’s Fourth District and across the country,” said Rep. Steven Horsford.


Rep. John Curtis said, “Since coming to Congress, I have championed multiple pieces that were signed into law and all of them received bipartisan support. Americans want Congress to solve problems, not perpetuate the divisiveness that has become all too common in America’s political realm. I am proud to be a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus to work towards pragmatic solutions to improve the lives of Utahns and Americans.”


“I consistently hear from my constituents that they want members of Congress to work together for the good of the country and our communities. Members of Congress and so many Americans are both bitterly divided and seemingly unable to listen to one another. This needs to end now, and the Problem Solvers Caucus can help lead the way. I’m excited to join this team and to get to work with the other members of the caucus on our nation’s most pressing problems,” said Rep. Jared Golden.


“I firmly believe that what unites us as Americans is more than anything that may divide us. I joined the Problems Solvers Caucus in Congress to break through the gridlock of today’s politics and find commonsense solutions on behalf of Long Islanders,” said Rep. Andrew Garbarino.


“Throughout my career I have worked with members of both parties to solve policy problems, and I’m honored my colleagues elected me to join the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus,” said Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux. “When we strip away the rhetoric, there is a lot that we actually agree on. We all want a good future for our children. We all want a strong democracy and a strong economy. I look forward to working with this group of 56 colleagues to find places of common interest and common ground.”


“From day one, I’ve said that I want to be part of the solution, not the problem,” said Rep. Tony Gonzales. “The Problem Solvers Caucus is a group from across the political spectrum but we are all resolved on finding commonsense solutions to the challenges that face our country. I look forward to working towards more bipartisan solutions and constructive results.”


“It is time to come together to move America forward.  I look forward to working with my colleagues, Republicans and Democrats, to develop and pass commonsense solutions to our country’s toughest challenges,” said Rep. Conor Lamb.


Rep. Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon said, “I am pleased to join the Problem Solvers Caucus  where we will work in a bipartisan manner to find consensus and improve the quality of life for our communities. This caucus will also serve as a platform for me to advance the fundamental issues of equality for Puerto Ricans as well as the recovery process for the Island.”


“There’s nothing more urgent for our country than breaking the gridlock in Congress and getting legislation to President Biden’s desk — and with both Houses so closely divided, the only sure way to do that is to build bipartisan consensus from the start,” said Rep. Tom Malinowski. “I look forward to working with the Problem Solvers Caucus to enact legislation that will rebuild our economy, protect our environment, improve our health care, and restore confidence in our democracy.”


Rep. Tom Rice said, “I am honored to be a part of the Problem Solvers Caucus. We are in Washington to fight for a better tomorrow for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. We need to come together to get our economy moving again, support our law enforcement officers, and invest in healthcare and infrastructure.  I look forward to working  on bipartisan solutions to solve Washington’s biggest problems, so future generations will have every opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”


“The Problem Solvers Caucus is the only bipartisan group in Congress that meets every week to work on legislation based on our common ground –– like helping break months-long gridlock to pass a bipartisan COVID relief bill at the end of last year. It’s one of the most productive hours of my week,” said Rep. Elissa Slotkin. “And I’m glad that we’re welcoming two new Michigan members to our ranks: Peter Meijer and Haley Stevens, making Michigan one of the two biggest state delegations within our group. As we enter this new Congress, there are so many opportunities to advance practical, meaningful legislation that can make a positive difference in peoples’ lives, and to promote the healing and unity our country needs right now. My Problem Solvers Caucus colleagues are some of the members most committed to bipartisanship, and I’m ready to get to work on our serious agenda in the weeks and months ahead.”


“This past year, the Problem Solvers Caucus helped pass commonsense, bipartisan measures to improve the lives of everyday Americans and deliver pandemic relief to our nation,” said Rep. John Katko. “This Congress, I’m eager to continue partnering with like-minded Republicans and Democrats in the Caucus to continue our mission to ease the gridlock in Washington, drive consensus on key issues, and help our nation emerge from this pandemic.”


Rep. Scott Peters said, “Republicans and Democrats can find common ground on some of our toughest challenges – first and foremost a path to move our country through the most brutal public health and economic crisis of a generation. There’s also climate, infrastructure, immigration, and fiscal responsibility. Now is the time for unity, and I look forward to working across the aisle to solve problems that can create a more prosperous future for all Americans.”


“The Problem Solvers continues to prove it gets things done. When Congress focuses on what we agree on instead of our differences, we accomplish so much more for the American people. I’m proud to be a part of this group and look forward to welcoming the new members to the team,” said Rep. Dusty Johnson.


“Now more than ever, our constituents are counting on us to look beyond party lines and lead our nation to common purpose, common ground and commonsense solutions,” said Rep. Darren Soto. “That’s why I’m honored to once again be a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus for another Congress. With President Biden’s leadership, we stand ready to confront the challenges that lie ahead with a fresh perspective and eagerness to move our country forward. Let’s get to work!”


Rep. Jim Costa said, “As President Biden said, we need unity now more than ever. I’m proud to be an ongoing part of this important caucus, which provides a safe space for bipartisan dialogues that deliver solutions. As we work to address America’s most pressing issues in the 117th,  I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues across the aisle.


“Issues are more important than talking points,” said Rep. Mark Amodei.


“I echo President Joe Biden’s call for unity and pledge to work alongside my Republican and Democratic colleagues on the Problem Solvers Caucus to overcome the partisan gridlock that has plagued our institution for too long,” said Rep. Salud Carbajal. “There is far more that unites us than divides us. I look forward to working together, in a bipartisan way, to tackle the many challenges facing our country and communities.”


“Years of political brinksmanship has left Washington broken, unable to effectively serve the American people. Somewhere along the way, politicians replaced debate with ultimatums, disagreement with hyperbole, and opponent with enemy. However, I am proud to be a member of the Problem Solver Caucus, a group committed to changing the mindset in Congress,” said Rep. Van Taylor. “I believe fixing Washington happens one conversation and one handshake at a time. When Republicans and Democrats negotiate in good faith, put party aside, and work on behalf of the American people, there is progress to be made.”


Rep. Debbie Dingell said, “Under President Biden and Vice President Harris, we can begin to enact urgent, bipartisan policies to improve the lives of working Americans while healing and uniting this nation. The Problem Solvers Caucus can help lead us forward by building the foundation for compromise on critical issues that we confront on a daily basis.”


“In the new Congress and new Administration, unity means working together. The Problem Solvers Caucus will continue to be the first place lawmakers go when they want to see bipartisan results. I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues to advance critical legislation to beat back Covid, invest in American infrastructure, and fight domestic terrorism,” said Rep. Brad Schneider.


“I joined the Problem Solvers Caucus because I made a promise to my constituents that I will work across the aisle to break gridlock and political dysfunction,” said Rep. Don Bacon. “No matter the party, we are a strong, bipartisan group of members committed to crafting and passing legislation that helps fight COVID-19, rebuild our nation’s military, and save American businesses. I look forward to tackling our nation’s most pressing issues in the 117th Congress.”


“I am pleased to join my Problem Solvers Caucus colleagues in the 117th Congress to develop attainable and impactful solutions to address the challenges our nation faces,” said Rep. Elaine Luria. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Problem Solvers Caucus played an instrumental role in bringing members of Congress together to provide a framework for relief. I am looking forward to working with members of the Problem Solvers Caucus to help solve our nation’s most pressing issues.”


“Now more than ever, Americans deserve a good-faith effort from their elected officials to drop the toxic blue team versus red team mentality and work together to solve the challenges facing our nation,” said Rep. Dave Joyce. “Fairly evaluating ideas outside of our own ideology doesn’t require us to stray from our principles or force us to adopt views we’re fundamentally opposed to. All it takes is for us to give each other the chance to be seen not as a member of a political party, but as men and women with values, families and loved ones, and experiences that have shaped who we are and what we stand for. By doing so, we not only encourage effective lawmaking, we also ensure that when we do disagree, we can do so respectfully. I am proud to be a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus and look forward to all of us working across the aisle to prioritize the needs of our constituents.”


“America is counting on us to work together to solve the pressing issues we face as a country. This Congress I am ready to work on behalf of my constituents in the 15th District of Texas to tackle the challenges ahead of us in a bipartisan way. It’s our responsibility as lawmakers to work across the aisle to address the pandemic and reinvigorate America’s economy. I know that if we work together, we can move this nation forward,” said Rep. Vicente Gonzalez.



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