Steven Rogers Endorses Candidate for Sheriff Tony Gallo

Steven Rogers Endorses Candidate for Sheriff Tony Gallo
Steven Rogers of the America Winning Coalition (AWC) AWCNJ.US an organization directly tied to President Donald J. Trump has come out on Social Media and Endorsed a Local County Candidate for Middlesex County Sheriff, Tony Gallo.
Mr. Rogers said in his post on Facebook “MAGA starts on the local, county & state level. Middlesex County NJ Sheriff candidate Tony Gallo, is one of the hardest working NJGOP candidates I have the pleasure of knowing. He will put people before politics by enforcing the law according to the Constitution not according to a socialist political agenda. He has earned the peoples support” Mr. Rogers has earned the respect of his community as a Conservative leader.
According to Gallo's Facebook page and Website he will be for the People and not the Politicians, they also state he has "Real Solutions" for Middlesex County. Candidate for Sheriff Gallo can be found at the following, or on Facebook under Gallo 4 Middlesex County Sheriff