Sweeney Addresses NAACP’s Annual Conference

Sweeney Addresses NAACP’s Annual Conference

Princeton – Senate President Steve Sweeney attended the NAACP’s New Jersey State Conference today where he joined with the members of the oldest, largest and one of the most effective civil rights organizations in the country to discuss issues of importance in the continuing fight for equal justice and opportunities. This year’s theme, “The Evolution of the Revolution”, represents the NAACP’s intergenerational approach to civil rights in today’s multifaceted movement.


Senator Sweeney talked about the move to increase the minimum wage to $15, the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit, pay equity, bail reform, the legalization of marijuana, re-entry programs and his proposal for independent prosecutors for police involved shooting deaths.


Senator Sweeney also discussed school funding reform and the importance of equal education opportunities for all students, regardless of where they live in New Jersey.


“We put in place a school funding reform that will provide full funding of the plan that was approved by the Supreme Court,” said Senator Sweeney, referring to his ongoing effort to fully fund the state aid formula. “Every child is entitled to an equal opportunity for a quality education and every school district deserves full funding under the law.”


Also participating was Richard T. Smith, President of the NAACP NJ State Conference, who Senator Sweeney praised as one of the most accomplished and respected leaders in the African American community in New Jersey.


“I have worked productively with Senator Sweeney on the issues of importance to us and we made real and lasting progress,” said Richard Smith. “There is more we want to accomplish and I fully expect to continue our working relationship.”


Senator Sweeney also spoke about the social justice aspects of the proposal to legalize marijuana in New Jersey.


“The social justice implications are central to the conversation surrounding legalizing adult use marijuana,” said Senator Sweeney. “This includes expungement and equal opportunities for minorities to participate in the business and the focus on the economic opportunities for ‘impact zones’ that have been hard hit by legal enforcement of marijuana in the past.”


Senator Sweeney referred to the success of bail reform and the important role of the NAACP and Richard Smith, which made New Jersey is a national leader. The reforms will make public safety the priority rather than the ability to pay, Senator Sweeney said.


“We have ended New Jersey’s unfair system of monetary bail,” said Senator Sweeney. “People shouldn’t be kept in jail just because they can’t afford to pay bail. The reforms put public safety ahead of the ability to pay.”


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