Sixty Foot Jerry Lewis Bobble-Head Statue to Grace Weehawken’s Lincoln Harbor Park

Paterson has its statue of comedian Lou Costello. Atlantic City has its statue of longtime host of the Miss America pageant Bert Parks, just outside the AC convention center.
And now, Weehawken will see the completion of a bobblehead statue of their favorite son, Jerry Lewis– to be erected by the late spring in Lincoln Harbor Park.
In 1946, the young Joseph Levitch met Dino Paul Crocetti, and they became an instant hit on the comedy theater circuit. They headlined the Atlantic City Steel Pier and the Paramount Theater in New York City. and the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis was born. In 1956, Lewis went off on his own for a very successful solo career. His films have grossed more than $800 million worldwide.
“This tribute honoring Mr. Lewis will help spark some residential growth in an area that has some of the best Manhattan views you can find,” shared Richard F. Turner, Weehawken Mayor since 1990.
The Jerry Bobblehead, standing at nearly 60 feet Six inches tall (1/5th the size of Lady Liberty) will move in the wind, and shout the famous Lewis catchphrase “Hey Lady!” on the hour throughout the day. It is on the Hudson River directly opposite the Empire State
Lincoln Harbor Park was designed by McLaren Engineering Group in collaboration with RSC Architects, and the Jerry Bobblehead was designed by Lance Morris Freidbusch of the Motus Venti design firm. Freidbusch was the designer of the Lenin bobblehead in Revolution Square in Moscow, toppled during the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989.
“He’s beloved in France. Has raised millions for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America. But now comes the ultimate in great respect — from his hometown of Weehawken. He’s to comedy what Einstein is to physics,” stated Councilwoman Carmela Silvestri-Ehret of the 1st Ward in a press release.
“The head of the Jerry Lewis statue is secured on fourteen cadmium-reinforced magnum-steel springs,” noted Turner. “And when the head bobbles, it yells ‘Hey Lady!’, as if saying he’s saying hello to the Liberty Lady in the New York Harbor.”
Upon its completion in the spring, Weehawken will celebrate with a Jerry Lewis Day.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is, of course, meant as a joke.
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