Insider NJ’s 2020 Insider OUT 100: LGBT Power List

Insider NJ's 2020 Insider OUT: 100


Download Insider NJā€™s 2020 Insider OUT: 100 LGBT Power ListĀ 


Welcome to InsiderNJā€™s 2020 Insider OUT 100: LGBT Power List, our 3rd annual tribute to politically influential LGBTQs in New Jersey politics.

Thereā€™s a pandemic raging. This yearā€™s list letā€™s us venerate some amazing, brilliant LGBTQ people, veterans of the AIDS crisis, harnessing and channeling wisdom and expertise to battle COVID-19.

Politicians are listed separately this time. Since we like to keep things fresh, the 2020 OUT 100 Power List includes over 20 newbies. So if you donā€™t see your name this year, Iā€™ll say thank you for making room for new faces and tomorrowā€™s faves.

Many of the names below were called to action by Americaā€™s indifference to the AIDS pandemic. Every queer who died of AIDS meant one less mentor to teach and empower the next.Ā The enormity of that loss haunts me, especially since I ā€œcame outā€ at the height of the AIDS pandemic when many would-be mentors were either dead or too traumatized to contemplate nurturing the next generation. So weā€™ll emphasize mentorship on this yearā€™s power list.

Letā€™s always celebrate how far weā€™ve come since the days when AIDS ran roughshod over our community.

But how far have we really come? Especially in NJ, a state without a single out LGBTQ state lawmaker? There are 9 LGBTQ members of Congress. NY is poised to add another 2 to the tally in November. Other states are electing LGBTQ people to Congress and we still canā€™t sent a single Queer person to Trenton!

That’s not progress.

Thanks to last generationā€™s sacrifice, no one dies of AIDS in America anymore. Gays and Lesbians can marry who we want and also serve our country in the Armed Forces. And thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling, itā€™s finally illegal to fire someone for who they love.Ā If workplace protections completed the ā€œboxed setā€ of goals LGBTQ activists set early last decade, can this decade be devoted to getting more Queer people elected to office?


Download Insider NJā€™s 2020 Insider OUT: 100 LGBT Power ListĀ or view it below:


The 2020 Insider OUT: 100 LGBT


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2 responses to “Insider NJ’s 2020 Insider OUT 100: LGBT Power List”


    Kudos to Jay Lassiter for compiling such a comprehensive list.
    It must have taken a tremendous amount of research and effort on his part.

    Congratulations to each person on the list.
    As a New Jersey resident, I salute each of you with pride and gratitude.

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