Ciattarelli out; Running for Governor in 2025

Jack Ciattarelli just bowed out of the 2021 race for governor, and announced his intention to run in four years.
Speaking in Raritan, the town where he grew up, the Republican candidate acknowledged incumbent Democratic Governor Phil Murphy’s victory.
Ciattarelli trailed Murphy by about 74,000 votes, or 2.9 points, 10 days after Election Day. CBS News projected that Murphy would be reelected on November 3, according to CBS News.
But he thrilled his supporters when he also said he’s running again.
That’s three runs in as many gubernatorial cycles.
The former Assemblyman from LD16 lost his statewide bid to then-LG Kim Guadagno in the 2017 Republican Primary.
Murphy offered a statement in response to Ciattarelli’s concession here.
This is a breaking development in the 2021 race (and the 2025 race) for governor, which turned out to be much closer than the polls predicted.
Murphy did something odd for a politician. He didn’t really mix all that much with average voters.
He had many staged events. There was a rally in Perth Amboy with teachers and a few in Newark with the Hispanic and LGBTQ communities. There were also a few events with unions.
And then, of course, there was the celebrity tour. Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Jill Biden, Amy Klobuchar and to use a common Murphy quote – “a cast of thousands” – trekked to New Jersey in hopes of pumping up Democratic turnout.
Some of these spectacles were fun – the Bernie rally certainly was – but the reality was that just about all the people attending them were going to vote for the governor anyway.
Ciattarelli tried a different approach.
He went out and met “real” people. He did it, as he said, travelling up and down the state “eight days a week.”
He was at diners, pizza joints, coffee shops and all sorts of festivals and fairs. Sure, local Republicans would work hard to whip up a crowd, but these forays also enabled Ciattarelli to interact with probably thousands and thousands of regular folk.
He also held many “town halls.” These were unscripted events where the candidate gave his stump speech and then took questions.
Ciattarelli was good at this. His speech always included the type of family stories that appeal to many.
His mother, who was 4-foot-11 “on a good day,” had a kitchen drawer in which rested a wooden spoon.
“She never said, ‘wait till your father gets home,’” Ciattarelli would relate, leaving no doubt about the purpose of the spoon.
Then, there was the story about the candidate’s parents having “one high school diploma between them.”
Ciattarelli said that when he first told that story, his mother was not amused.
Why not?
She told her son, “Dammit, if you’re going to tell that story, make sure you say I’m the one with the high school diploma.”
That story always got laughs.
Murphy did none of this.
Hard to tell if this was his decision or a campaign consensus. The bottom line was that the governor seldom interacted with, if you will, “the masses.”
It’s not as if the governor is unequipped to do this. Over the last four years, he’s been overheard joking about his passion for the Red Sox and the predilection for those named “Murphy” to enjoy a few adult beverages.
But any sign of a “regular guy” persona was lost on those who didn’t really know him.
Now, it is understood that there were some headwinds here that the polls seemed to miss.
Its amazing why did he not concede when the election was actually called? In reference to his running for Governor in 2025 is like saying I will be 20 lbs less by 2025. Good riddance.
Oh, great. Four more years of Marxist Murphy. Anyone with the means to do so will head for freer ground.