Grenier Chews out Sweeney After Stack’s South Jersey Bus Run

Republican senate candidate LD3 Fran Grenier slapped away at Steve Sweeney (D-3) in the aftermath of state Senator Brian P. Stack’s (D-33) Tarzan swing into South Jersey this past Saturday on behalf of the senate president.
“It is to no one’s surprise that Steve Sweeney has to bus hundreds of people from North Jersey to spread his agenda,” said Grenier. “North Jersey has always supported Steve because he has always supported them at the expense of his constituents here in South Jersey. I hope the voters see through this political charade and the imposters at their doors. It speaks volumes that those working to keep Sweeney in office can’t legally vote for him.”
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It is OK for Grenier to get all of those NJEA PAID hacks to come down from Trenton and points up North for him ( and by the way they came in cars ,not buses!)
Sweeney has loyal friends not paid hacks who do not even know Grenier.
George Norcross’ puppet.
…and Grenier’s loyal friends are ???/
When the Supreme Court decides to vote against the lawfulness of public sector groups,like the NJEA ,next spring, the NJEA is going to need new laws passed in New Jersey to stay solvent.
How much support will the NJEA get from Stack and Sweeney now?