Gubernatorial Candidates Fire off a Letter Regarding Changing Primary Date

Today, December 9, Gubernatorial candidate Josh Gottheimer led a bipartisan letter signed by candidates Jon Bramnick, Mikie Sherrill, and Steve Sweeney encouraging the New Jersey state legislature to reschedule the 2025 primary election date. The current date is on the Jewish holiday, Shavuot, and will prevent many Jewish voters from exercising their democratic right and responsibility to vote. 

“Dear Senate President Scutari and Speaker Coughlin:

As candidates for the 2025 gubernatorial election, we kindly urge you to please shift the date of the 2025 primary elections from their current scheduled date of June 3. This day conflicts with the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (June 2-3), presenting a major dilemma for many Jewish voters who cannot vote on that day because of their religious observances.

The legitimacy of our democratic electoral system rests on the broadest participation possible. It is untenable that any group should have to choose between their religious practices and their right to vote.

As candidates for New Jersey’s highest office, we share a commitment to eliminating barriers to participation. We did it at the height of the pandemic, when the state shifted certain election dates and candidate filing deadlines to maximize ballot access. We have done it since then by expanding access to and ease of voting early and by mail. And, we must do it now by shifting the date of the 2025 primary elections to after Shavuot.

The solution is simple. Last year, Maryland passed a law shifting their April 23, 2024 primary election – which coincided with the Passover and Ramadan holidays – to May 14. They held a successful primary election without issue.

We urge the New Jersey legislature to waste no time. We should immediately pass a law moving the 2025 primary election to a later date that maximizes ballot access for all New Jersey voters. At a time when voters have more doubts than ever about the fairness of our elections, this is unquestionably the right thing to do.

Thank you for your immediate consideration.”


Josh Gottheimer, Jon Bramnick, Mikie Sherrill, Steve Sweeney


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2 responses to “Gubernatorial Candidates Fire off a Letter Regarding Changing Primary Date”

  1. When did we forget the fact that there is a separation of Church and state in this Country?
    No election date should ever be changed due to a religious holiday. Bad precedent to set. There are always religious holidays happening.
    Unless I am mistaken, early Mail In ballots will be made available. I will happily phone bank registered voters to confirm they have mailed completed ballots correctly.
    For the record, I am a staunch Democrat who has never voted for a Republican and never will.

  2. That is the separation of Church and State… The freedom without gov interference to practice religion without persecution. What you’re advocating is discriminating against a group of people based entirely on their religion and preventing them from exercising their rights as American citizens. No American should be prevented from exercising their full right to vote in any manner, especially based on their religion. THAT is separation between Church and State. It doesn’t matter if you’re leaning republican or democrat, or liberal with the mantra of “everyone is entitled to their own opinion unless it’s different than mine”, ALL Americans have the right to vote and should be allowed without restrictions or discrimination. Don’t discriminate against a group of people based on their race OR religion.

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