Guessing at the Committee’s Thumbs-Up Vote on S-4 as Citizens, Groups Rail Against the Bill

TRENTON – They will need seven votes to get this contentious and much-opposed Vitale bill out of the Senate Budget Committee this evening.
They appear to have those votes plus one.
We’re guessing the following give the thumbs up signal:
Senator Brian P. Stack
Senator Sandy Cunningham
Senator M. Teresa Ruiz
Senator Steve Sweeney
Senator Joe Vitale
Senator Kevin O’Toole
Senator Jeff Van Drew
Senator Paul Sarlo.
Any one of those individuals can drop off, which will likely happen, otherwise we’re guessing Sweeney wouldn’t be on the committee.
Less likely to vote aye are:
Senator Sam Thompson
Senator Steve Oroho
Senator Jen Beck
Senator Tony Bucco
Although the bill is expected to come out of the committee this evening to head to the full senate, Speaker Vincent Prieto has said he won’t post the bill in the assembly.
It is expected that the bill will die.
Editor’s Note: The final tally was 11-1-1. Beck ended up as the lone no vote. Senator Jeff Van Drew abstained.
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