I Love the Ironbound

By Tanisha H Garner 
My name is Tanisha H Garner and I’m running for Eastward Councilwoman. I am a life-long resident of the City of Newark. I’m very involved in my Community. I am one of the founding Parents of Essex County Council for Young Children which concentrates on health, education, and safety.  Living in the Ironbound I have learned a lot about environmental injustices that our residents and Business Owners face. Our air quality is detrimental to our elders and children’s health. My daughter was on the front page of the Village Voice. It’s about brainstorming ideas that can benefit the residents and business to live and work in a safe environment.
The Ironbound is facing many changes. We must work together to protect the heritage and integrity of our town. We are diverse and full of culture and life. How do we move forward with development without displacement? Families are rooted here. Businesses have added on to the character of the Ironbound. I am part of Homes for All which worked with different organizations to bring to pass the Rent Control Ordinance and the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance that will help  residents. We showed up at the City Hall Council Meetings and spoke at Zoning and Planning board meetings. It’s about advocating and being a voice for the voiceless. It’s about exchanging ideas and working together to promote a safe and fruitful neighborhood. It’s about attracting and keeping businesses here that understand the community and add resources to better residents’ lives. I love the Ironbound. It’s full of diversity and culture. We must teach the younger generation to Love Where they Live and Live Where they Love. We are a Community within an Community: different stories but the same fight. We don’t want be displaced.
It’s about creating policies that will strengthen and build foundations that already exist. We can use the resources and existing projects to their fulfillment and empower and equip entrepreneurs to reach their fullest potential that can create a change in their community by creating economic wealth that will impact their family, community and the city which impacts the world.  We need to reevaluate and fine tune it to the likeness of the residents to create an avenue for them to succeed.
Without Community there is no unity. It’s about exchanging ideas that will build stronger communities that can be self sustainable. Running for East Ward Councilwoman creates an opportunity to build stronger relationships with the community and businesses that are viable assets to our neighborhood. When elected I will continue to work with the citizens to create transparency. It’s about the people’s concerns and developing strategies that will impact and improve their quality of life. It’s about connecting the people. We must work together to promote a clean, safe, and attractive city which is vital to the well-being of the city. Newark is the body and the residents are the spirit. If the city is effected the people are affected. 
Tanisha H Garner is a candidate for East Ward Councilwoman


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