Saleh Fundraises In Paterson At Event Hosted By Fulop, Sayegh, Abdelaziz, Khairullah

A fundraiser held for Jersey City Ward D Councilman Yousef Saleh on Monday in Paterson raised $12,000, hosted by Jersey City Mayor Fulop, Paterson Mayor Sayegh, Paterson Councilman Abdelaziz, and Prospect Park Mayor Khairullah.

Sayegh said, ‘we were proud to support an exemplary public servant like Yousef.’

Khairullah said, ‘supporting good candidate like Yousef is essential to improving our communities. Electing what people consider (politicians as usual) is no longer an option and is not in the best interest of our local communities, our state, and our nation.’

Abdelaziz said, ‘Paterson and Jersey City has many things in common, and Yousef has hit the ground running. I look forward to continue working with him on best practices that can move our cities forward.’

‘This pandemic has shown us that we need strong, compassionate, competent leaders at the helm, all working together towards coming purpose – and I have no greater role models than Mayor Andre Sayegh, Councilman Al Abdelaziz, Mayor Khairullah, and Mayor Steven Fulop,’ said Saleh. ‘I’m learning and leaning on them and their expertise and I’m humbled to have their support. I’ve always looked up to them and now I’m working alongside them to help the residents of the Heights, and Jersey City get through these difficult times.’

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