Amy Kennedy Calls on Jeff Van Drew to Disavow Trump Comments and Stand Up for South Jersey Veterans & Armed Forces

Amy Kennedy Calls on Jeff Van Drew to Disavow Trump Comments and Stand Up for South Jersey Veterans & Armed Forces
“Silence is acceptance and South Jersey’s veterans, active service members, and military families deserve much better.”
Brigantine, NJ — Following reports of President Trump’s disparaging remarks against veterans and members of the armed forces and the deafening silence from Jeff Van Drew, Amy Kennedy released the following statement.
I was outraged to hear Donald Trump’s disparaging comments about veterans and members of the armed forces. Our veterans and active military are heroes who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in service to our communities and our country. We have tens of thousands of veterans who live here in South Jersey, many of whom are struggling and have not been honored in the way they should with access to health care, housing and benefits. Unfortunately, Donald Trump’s words and actions don’t surprise me, given how he treated Senator John McCain. What does surprise me is the absolute deafening silence from Jeff Van Drew. Jeff claims to support veterans and the military, but his actions are speaking louder than his words. He recently voted against expanding access to health care for veterans who lost insurance coverage from the pandemic and increasing disability benefits for wounded veterans. Now he has failed to disavow Trump’s comments. Silence is acceptance and South Jersey’s veterans, active service members, and military families deserve much better.