Amy Kennedy to Jeff Van Drew: Your Silence and Inaction are Hurting the People of South Jersey 


Amy Kennedy to Jeff Van Drew: Your Silence and Inaction
are Hurting the People of South Jersey


Brigantine, NJ — Today, 11 of the 12 members of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation urged FEMA to reverse the decision not to fund PPE for schools, just as schools across New Jersey are having to return to virtual learning because of COVID cases. Jeff Van Drew was the only member who refused to sign the letter. In response, Amy Kennedy released the following statement.


Once again, Jeff Van Drew has refused to stand up for South Jersey, this time ignoring the administration’s decision to cut crucial PPE funding for schools and local governments. He should be ashamed of his silence. We are still in the middle of a pandemic. New Jersey cannot afford setbacks while communities are struggling to survive a public health and economic crisis and in South Jersey, we cannot afford leaders who are more interested in playing politics than serving the communities they’re elected to represent. Our kids, our teachers and our families deserve better. Jeff Van Drew, we’re calling on you to join the rest of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation in advocating for PPE funds for New Jersey’s schools and communities.

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