Bhalla Files Amicus Brief in Support of Upholding the Decision to Abolish the County Line

Ravi Bhalla Files Amicus Brief in Support of Upholding the Decision to Abolish the County Line
Mayor of Hoboken Ravi Bhalla today announced that, together with Patricia Campos-Medina and Jerry Speziale, he has filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the decision to abolish the county line and in opposition to the stay of that decision requested by the County Clerks.
“It is essential that the landmark decision leveling the playing field in New Jersey Democratic primaries is not reversed,” said Ravi Bhalla. “We must now safeguard this long overdue development that ensures fairness and a true democracy in our primaries, free from the control of party bosses.”
The amicus brief was filed with the United State Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
Ravi Bhalla is challenging Rob Menendez Jr. in the Democratic Primary for New Jersey’s 8th Congressional district seat.
The brief is attached: