Black Leaders Urge Lawmakers to Support Health Insurance Assessment (HIA)
Black Leaders Urge Lawmakers to Support Health Insurance Assessment (HIA)
For Immediate Release
July 29, 2020 — Members of the United Black Agenda, a coalition of Black community and policy leaders in New Jersey, urge state lawmakers to support the proposed Health Insurance Assessment (HIA). The bill, S2676/A4389, which is scheduled for a vote in the Assembly and Senate on Thursday, would provide the state with more than $200 million to make health care more affordable, expand coverage, and reduce racial disparities in access to care — all at no new cost to insurers.
In support of the proposal, the undersigned members of the United Black Agenda release the following statement:
“Anti-Black racism manifests throughout our society, and especially within our health care system. Due to centuries of discriminatory state and federal policies, Black New Jerseyans are disproportionately uninsured and thus vulnerable to public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. In one of the wealthiest states in the wealthiest country in the world, this is simply unacceptable. State lawmakers can and must do more to ensure all residents can lead healthy lives, regardless of the color of their skin, their income, or their ZIP code.
“New Jersey has a golden opportunity to reduce disparities in health care by establishing a state-level Health Insurance Assessment (HIA). This will provide New Jersey with sustainable revenue to expand health coverage and affordability amongst children and low- and moderate-income families, reducing disparities in access to care. As the nation grapples with the legacy and presence of systemic racism, state lawmakers should take every opportunity possible to promote equity and tear down barriers to health and prosperity. Right now, that means passing the health insurance assessment.”
This statement is signed by the following members of the United Black Agenda:
- Brandon McKoy, President, New Jersey Policy Perspective
- Elise Boddie, The Inclusion Project
- Rev. Dr. Charles Boyer, Director, Salvation and Social Justice
- Carolyn Chang, Chair, Social Justice Committee for the Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey
- Reva Foster
- Rev. Eric Dobson, Deputy Director, Fair Share Housing Center
- Jerome Harris, Managing Director, The Harris Organization
- Richard T. Smith, President, NAACP New Jersey State Conference
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