Correctional Facility mural project seeks public submissions

Correctional Facility mural project seeks public submissions

(Camden, NJ) – The Camden County Youth Services Commission (CCYSC) and the Department of Corrections is launching a county-wide mural contest for a design to be recreated on the outside perimeter wall of the Camden County Correctional Facility. The mural is intended to reflect themes such as hope, support, peace, and community, among others, and their intersection with both the juvenile and adult criminal justice system.

Beginning today, July 29, the Commission is accepting design submissions from members of the community. Submissions will continue to be accepted until Aug. 19, with the winning submission ultimately being selected by a committee of community stakeholders who will choose from five finalists in a county-wide vote held between Aug. 24 and Aug. 28.


“One of the challenges in generating a meaningful shift in how our society views the criminal justice system, is maintaining the meaningful dialogue that has developed in recent years, and especially in recent months,” said Freeholder Jonathan Young. “Public art provides a space where that dialogue can take place. It serves as a reminder and an inspiration for what we’re working to achieve – a fairer, more equitable criminal justice system.”

Submission requirements can be found here, and include:

  • Each design illustrating a theme(s) or concept(s) noted previously must be submitted on 20” tall x 28” wide OR 22” tall and 28” wide poster board paper.
  • Each design submitted must be in color. Black and white only submissions will not be considered.
  • All submissions must be dropped off to Rosy Arroyo at the Camden County Department of Corrections, 330 Federal St., Camden, NJ. While submissions can be dropped off at any time, the deadline is Monday, August 19, at 3:00 pm.
  • Each design submission must include the Mural Project Application (included with the flyer). The one-page application must be taped to the back of the 18×24 poster board.

“Community engagement is critical. We want our residents feel like this is a message that they generated, not one that has been created for them,” said Warden Karen Taylor of the Camden County Correctional Facility. “I’m proud to bring this work of art to our facility and to display to the community that we are working to foster hope in the City of Camden, that we are all one team in this fight for a safer, more equitable society.”

For questions regarding the mural contest or how to enter a submission, email Sharon Bean,  ( or Rosy Arroyo, ( for more information.

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