County Clerk Launches Student Video Contest to Encourage Voter Participation in Upcoming Election

County Clerk Launches Student Video Contest to Encourage Voter Participation in Upcoming Election


FREEHOLD, NJ – Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon is inviting all Monmouth County high school students to enter the 2018 Elections Video Contest, sponsored by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office.


The Monmouth County Clerk’s Elections Division has responsibility over sample ballots, vote by mail applications, candidate petitions, tabulation of totals, and the certification of results. County Clerk Hanlon has also made it her mission to increase voter participation among the youth through her high school ‘Your Vote Matters’ program, which stresses the importance of civic responsibility. Now she is building on that program by sponsoring a video contest for high school students, leading up to Election Day.


“We are very excited to announce this new high school student video contest that will encourage young people to vote,” said Clerk Hanlon. “As we approach Election Day, it is the perfect time to remind young people that their voices need to be heard, and that they can have an impact in our country’s future by simply casting their votes.”


The contest is open to high school students who reside in Monmouth County and/or attend a high school in Monmouth County. Students are allowed to form groups, of no more than three (3) members, and each group should enter an original video that emphasizes the importance of youth voting participation. Entrants are permitted to be creative with usage of digital and/or traditional special effects. Videos with political or offensive content will not be considered.


The top three (3) videos will be awarded gift card prizes by Clerk Hanlon and will be advertised via the County Clerk’s email and social media platforms. Videos will remain the property of the County Clerk’s Office.


Entries will be accepted from October 17, 2018 until the deadline at 9 a.m. on November 5, 2018, which is the day before Election Day. Entries will be accepted via email to and mail to the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, Attn: Elections Video Contest, Monmouth County Clerk, 33 Mechanic Street, Freehold, NJ 07728.


For full contest rules and eligibility, please visit the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office website at or email


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