Health Professionals and Allied Employees, AFT, AFL-CIO Endorses Raya Arbiol for Assembly

Health Professionals and Allied Employees, AFT, AFL-CIO Endorses Raya Arbiol for Assembly


[Old Bridge, NJ] – [August 08, 2023] – The Health Professionals and Allied Employees, AFT, AFL-CIO (HPAE) has announced its endorsement of Raya Arbiol for Assembly in LD-12. This significant endorsement reflects Arbiol’s unwavering commitment to advocating for healthcare workers and championing vital healthcare legislation.


The endorsement comes as a result of Arbiol’s steadfast support for Nurse Safe Staffing Legislation (S.304/A.4536). Her dedication to ensuring safe nurse-to-patient staffing ratios sets her apart as a true advocate for healthcare workers. By supporting this legislation, Arbiol demonstrates her commitment to the wellbeing of healthcare professionals and the quality of care they provide.


“As a candidate who supports Safe Staffing, our healthcare workers will be assured their voice will be heard in the State House. We look forward to your advocacy and action in Trenton to turn this legislation into law,” said Debbie White, RN, President of HPAE.


Arbiol’s endorsement by HPAE underscores her dedication to healthcare advocacy and her determination to address the pressing issues facing healthcare professionals. Every healthcare worker who is overwhelmed, overworked, and exhausted can count on Arbiol to fight for their rights and wellbeing.


In response to the endorsement, Arbiol expressed her gratitude and commitment to healthcare workers. “I am honored to receive the endorsement of HPAE, an organization that represents the hardworking healthcare professionals who play an invaluable role in our communities. I am dedicated to advocating for safer staffing ratios and ensuring that healthcare workers have the support they need to provide high-quality care.”


As a Safe Staffing Supporter, Arbiol’s campaign resonates with healthcare workers who are seeking a strong advocate in the legislative arena. HPAE leaders are mobilizing their colleagues to join the campaign’s Safe Staffing canvass, which will involve door-knocking and calls to support Arbiol’s campaign this election season.


“On behalf of HPAE’s 14,000 nurses and healthcare workers in healthcare facilities throughout the state, congratulations! We are proud to endorse you as a Safe Staffing Supporter,” added White.


For more information about Raya Arbiol’s campaign and her commitment to healthcare advocacy, please visit .


About Raya Arbiol for Assembly

Raya Arbiol is a dedicated advocate for positive change, committed to representing the interests of her community in New Jersey LD-12. With a passion for healthcare, economic equality, and community empowerment, Arbiol’s campaign is centered on creating a brighter future for all.


About HPAE

Health Professionals and Allied Employees, AFT, AFL-CIO (HPAE) is the largest union of registered nurses and health professionals in New Jersey, representing more than 14,000 healthcare workers in healthcare facilities throughout the state.

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