Hoboken Councilman Russo Releases Transportation and Parking Proposal, Announces Inaugural Town Hall Event On May 29th

Hoboken Councilman Russo Releases Transportation and Parking Proposal, Announces Inaugural Town Hall Event On May 29th

Hoboken, NJ – May 15, 2024 – Today, Hoboken’s 3rd Ward Councilman, Dr. Michael Russo, introduced a comprehensive parking and transportation policy proposal as a roadmap for Hoboken’s future.


“Hoboken faces constant challenges related to parking and transportation management,” Russo said in the proposal. “In order to serve residents first while fostering a great experience for commuters and visitors, we need to take a look at what’s working and what’s not.”


The proposal, written in consultation with local experts and community leaders, is divided into six key areas of improvement: parking garage infrastructure; encouraging the use of bicycles; reinventing the City’s microtransportation shuttle (“The Hop”); improving safety and street parking, rethinking the deployment of parklets; and finally, addressing the impact of trucks on local traffic.


Dr. Russo has also announced a public parking and transportation town hall event, to be held at 10th and Willow Bar & Grill in Hoboken, on May 29th at 6:30 PM. Hoboken residents and stakeholders are invited to come share their thoughts about parking and transportation, and can register for the event at https://eventbrite.com/e/905445932157


“If Hoboken residents know one thing about me, it’s that I’m a public servant who listens,” added Russo. This town hall will give my team and I an additional opportunity to hear from the community–as I have been doing for the past 20 years–and glean more insights that will help us make Hoboken even better.”


This proposal/town hall combination is the first in a series that will occur over the coming months, all related to critical aspects of life in the Mile Square City, and all stemming from the extensive email survey data Russo has compiled from residents over time.


Dr. Michael Russo has been serving the residents of Hoboken as a City Council member for over 20 years. As always, residents are encouraged to email councilmanrusso@gmail.com with their feedback and learn more online at drmichaelrussonj.com.



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