Jersey City takes an Innovative Approach to tackle Parking and School Funding woes by Opening School Lots to the Public

Jersey City takes an Innovative Approach to tackle Parking and School Funding woes by Opening School Lots to the Public


JERSEY CITY Mayor Steven M. Fulop and Ward B Councilwoman Mira Prinz-Arey announce an innovative approach to expanding parking in Jersey City working in partnership with the Jersey City Board of Education. The pilot program will utilize school parking lots overnight and on weekends to accommodate resident and visitor vehicles throughout neighborhoods identified by residents where parking issues occur.


“Near shopping, dining and businesses, the first two lots to open in the pilot program will be on the Westside and in the Heights.  This is a unique opportunity we have explored and are now implementing to enable us to provide more convenience to our residents and visitors,” said Councilwoman Prinz-Arey. “We’ve been working closely with the Board of Education on this mutually beneficial program.”


Parking revenue generated will be shared between the Board of Education and the City to maintain services, with the majority going to the schools.  Any revenue not used by the City for signage, repairs and other upkeep will go directly back to the schools. Drivers can utilize ParkMobile to pay for their parking in each of the public school lots.


Parking lots at both Jersey City Public School 24, located at 220 Virginia Avenue, and Public School 28, located at 167 Hancock Avenue, will provide more than two dozen parking spaces for residents and visitors to use. The lots, additionally chosen for their proximity to commercial corridors, will be available for public use Monday through Thursday from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and on weekends from 6 p.m. Friday through 6 a.m. Monday.


The proposal is scheduled to be voted on for final approval at the Board of Education meeting tonight.


“We’ve worked with the community to identify specific problem areas when it comes to finding a parking spot. It is our hope to expand the pilot program and open more school lots in the near future, as this not only helps those who drive in our City, but it will also be an additional revenue source for the school district,” said Mayor Fulop.  “In any large city, parking pains exist.  That’s why we’re continually looking for ways we can relieve parking pains in our community.”


This pilot is the latest step in a larger effort by the City to enhance parking for residents.  In April, Councilwoman Denise Ridley announced plans to add parking in Ward A for the first time in decades.  Her two ordinances also allocate more overnight parking and create angled parking in areas to create more spaces.



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