Lindabury to Host Employment Law Seminar for NJ Business Owners

The law firm of Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, P.C., will host a complimentary breakfast seminar on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, featuring attorneys in its Labor & Employment Group. The seminar will be held from 8-10 a.m. at the Shackamaxon Country Club (100 Tillinghast Turn, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076).

The seminar will include interactive discussions on recent employment law developments that affect NJ employers and what they can expect in 2022.

Topics of discussion include:

COVID Wrap Up – Where are we now? – Presented by Kathleen M. Connelly, Esq.
With the winding down of the COVID-19 pandemic following two years of rapidly changing mandates and recommendations from government and health officials, many employers are understandably confused about what workplace obligations remain in place.

Remote Working Trends – Online and on the Clock – Presented by Lisa Gingeleskie, Esq.
With the growth of remote work since the pandemic, employers have to adapt to new methods when managing employees. Discussions will include legal considerations for managing a remote workplace including wage and hour considerations, record keeping and performance management and navigating the potential state and local laws triggered by employees working in multiple industries.

Independent Contractors – Classify at your Own Risk – Presented by Joshua L. Weiner, Esq.
Classifying a worker as an independent contractor is a tempting proposition. You are not required to pay independent contractors the minimum wage or overtime and can reduce payroll taxes. However, are the workers you designate as independent contractors actually employees in the eyes of the law? The law in NJ recently has taken a dramatic turn, making it much more difficult to classify workers as independent contractors and implementing harsh penalties against those employers who improperly classify employees.

Cannabis – Medical, Recreational, & Testing – Presented by Elizabeth Engert Manzo, Esq.
This overview will provide an update of the current legal status of medical and recreational marijuana in New Jersey and at the federal level. Discussions will include workplace drug testing including testing innovations, testing requirements and status of the Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert (WIRE) certification/requirement.

For more information and to register for the complimentary seminar, please visit:

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