LIUNA Endorses Johnson for State Senate
LIUNA Endorses Johnson for State Senate
Bergen County, NJ – Raymond M. Pocino, who represents over 45,000 workers as the Eastern Regional Manager of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, issued the following statement today endorsing Gordon M. Johnson for State Senate:
“For the two decades I have known him, Gordon Johnson has been steadfastly and reliably on the right side of issues that matter most to LIUNA members and to working families everywhere. Beyond the issues, there is also the man and his character. Gordon Johnson is a leader who takes his oath of office seriously. He works hard, listens carefully, and strives for results, not attention. There is much more work to do in New Jersey—to support families, invest in our communities, and grow the economy—and Gordon Johnson is the right kind of leader to get things done.”
LIUNA Eastern Region represents more than 45,000 members in Delaware, New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, and Puerto Rico – providing a skilled and experienced union workforce trained to work safely in the construction and energy industries.