Make the Road New Jersey Calls for all ICE Detainees in NJ to be Released and an end to ICE raids and Operations After Report of COVID-19 symptoms in Elizabeth Detention Center

Make the Road New Jersey Calls for all ICE Detainees in NJ to be Released and an end to ICE raids and Operations After Report of COVID-19 symptoms in Elizabeth Detention Center

(Elizabeth, NJ – March 15, 2020): In response to reports that an employee of the privately run Elizabeth, NJ ICE detention center presented COVID-19 symptoms and is currently undergoing testing for the virus, Deya Aldana issued the following statement on behalf of Elizabeth, NJ based immigrant rights organization Make the Road New Jersey:

“With the news that a staff member at the Elizabeth detention center is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, the moment to take action is now. ICE must release all immigrants in detention to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey. NJ counties that contract with ICE, including Bergen, Essex and Hudson, must also suspend contracts with ICE and release detainees. Dozens of immigrants have died in ICE and CBP detention in the past two years due to negligent medical care. Detention is inhumane and unsafe, and ICE is ill-equipped to provide adequate care and ensure the safety of detainees. Detainees must be released for their safety. In addition, ICE must cease all enforcement activities in New Jersey –  no one should fear deportation when they go to the hospital or seek medical care. We also call on the county jails that have contracted with ICE in Bergen, Essex and Hudson to release all ICE detainees immediately and to suspend contracts with ICE.”

As coronavirus cases continue to increase across New Jersey, statewide measures are being implemented to reduce the spread of the disease. However, immigrants in detention centers continue to be at high risk of exposure to the virus. Two days ago COVID-19 was declared a national emergency, yet thousands of immigrants continue to be detained in unsafe conditions. Make the Road NJ is demanding the immediate release of all detained immigrants currently in ICE custody and an end to all ICE raids and operations in New Jersey. Immigrants must feel safe approaching hospitals. The same week COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, an attorney in Scranton, PA reported her client was arrested at a local hospital. ICE enforcement operations are a threat to public health and safety across the country and must end.

Make the Road New Jersey builds the power of immigrant and working class communities to achieve dignity and respect through community organizing, legal services, transformative education and policy innovation.


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