Mayor Ras J. Baraka Statement on Shooting of 10-Year-Old Child


Mayor Ras J. Baraka Statement on Shooting of 10-Year-Old Child

“Last week an 11-year-old was holding a gun in a private home in Newark when the gun discharged accidentally, killing Josiah Coleman, just 10 years old. How many more tragedies must we endure, before Congress gets the courage to enact strong national gun controls?

“Despite the work of the Newark Police Division to take 500 guns off our streets last year, guns of all kinds continue to flow into Newark along the interstates and back roads. These guns are being purchased in other states, and the fact that New Jersey has the strongest gun controls in America is not enough to stop them. We need strong national gun control. There are too many guns in too many hands in Newark and across America.”

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