Monmouth County Legislative Delegation Responds to Unconstitutional & Unamerican Bill

Monmouth County Legislative Delegation Responds to Unconstitutional & Unamerican Bill


The Monmouth County Republican Delegation of Legislators stand together in opposition to the Democrats’ attempt to tip the scales in favor of Vin Gopal in the upcoming general election by introducing legislation to remove Shaun Golden as the Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee. Besides being petty, beneath the status of the offices that they hold and a complete waste of public resources, the proposed legislation is a direct afront to the Constitutional protections afforded to all political parties by the First Amendment to be free from government interference as to how parties conduct their internal affairs.


There is no more important way in which citizens seek to advance their political beliefs than by associating with political parties. It has long been established that party-based discrimination is anathema to the First Amendment because it infringes on individual liberty and distorts the electoral process. This abuse of governmental power by Vin Gopal and Democrats in the Legislature undermines the pillars upon which our country was built – no one should be permitted to adopt legislation to provide themselves with a personal benefit, especially where, as here, the Democrats seek political retribution through legislation to benefit Vin Gopal, the lone legislator in Monmouth County who is not Republican and who was the primary architect of many of the laws New Jerseyans despise the most.


There are more pressing issues that New Jerseyans expect us to be addressing – from the affordability crisis here in New Jersey, loss of state aid to our schools and a rise in crime throughout our State.  Assembly Bill 3054 and Senate Bill 3838 do nothing to address those issues that would repair the damage caused by years of Democrats being in control of Trenton.


The public should not be mistaken – Gopal wants to silence the voices of those who duly elected the Chairman of their political party pursuant to a process established by that political party. Gopal’s legislation, supported by a Democrat who hails from Hudson County, seeks to wipe away the election of Shaun Golden as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee. The Chairman represents 680 elected members of the Monmouth County Republican Committee and Gopal’s legislation is an attempt to silence their vote, which was on behalf of over 152,000 Republicans in Monmouth County. There is nothing more unamerican than what Vin Gopal and Democrats are proposing.


A3054 and S3838 are just more of what the Democrats main focus tends to be in the Legislature – to support bills for their own political purposes. If passed, every citizen’s right to be free from unconstitutional power grabs by the government is in jeopardy. We will not sit back and allow this illegitimate bill to go unopposed.  We will stand to protect the voice of the Monmouth County Republic Committee and the right of people to participate in the political process, free from government interference.


Sadly, this latest move by the Democrats smacks of what Governor Murphy said during his election — the Bill of Rights is above their pay grade.  We stand with our Chairman, Shaun Golden, to oppose this unconstitutional and unamerican legislation. We encourage those who value the Constitutional Rights afforded to us as Americans to stand alongside us against this latest abuse of power by New Jersey Democrats.



From the Monmouth County

Republican Legislative Delegation,

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