NRCC: Tom Malinowski embraces job-killing energy tax
Tom Malinowski is joining the socialist Democrats in their assault on jobs and the energy industry, cosponsoring a job-killing energy tax that would directly raise the cost of electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel and home heating oil.
Malinowski’s support for a carbon tax comes on the heels of his party’s embrace of the Green New Deal, which would ban fossil fuels, eliminate millions of jobs and cost taxpayers $93 trillion.
NRCC Comment: “Tom Malinowski’s support for this job-killing energy tax is the last thing New Jersey voters need or deserve. Instead of delivering on his pledge to make life more affordable for the hardworking men and women of NJ-07, Malinowski has fallen right in line with the socialist Democrats’ plans to tax folks to death.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams