Pascrell Speaks on House Floor for Impeachment


Pascrell Speaks on House Floor for Impeachment

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) this evening spoke from the floor of the House of Representatives in favor of impeaching Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction.


A recording of Pascrell’s remarks is available here, the text of which is provided below.

We are here today because of the failure of so many to cast aside narrow ambition to confront the threat standing before us.

Offered the chance to investigate this government together, the other side stonewalled and obstructed. We are here today because they choose comfort over courage and avarice over republic.

This is the ongoing tragedy of our age. And it is ongoing.

But the matter is now solely in Congress’s hands and belongs to us and us alone.

The buck has stopped.

Many have invoked the judgment of history as an antidote to this threat.

But the threat to democracy is here today – not tomorrow.

We need not – we must not – await the verdict of time for Donald Trump’s abuse of power and obstruction.

We can offer that verdict right now.

And we are.


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