Phil Murphy and Donald Trump

John Wisniewski for Governor

My friends –

Yesterday, a newspaper owned by Donald Trump’s son-in-law (and certainly in coordination with our corrupt Goldman Sachs opponent), unleashed another desperate attack on John Wisniewski by falsely claiming he represents corporate polluters, which is a lie.

Here’s the truth: John has a long record of advocating for corporate polluters to clean up environmental damages. He has confronted our climate emergency head on by pushing a progressive agenda for more energy conservation, more investment in solar and wind energy and fighting corporate polluters.

It is very clear we have the establishment and our corrupt opponent nervous about this election and they are gunning for John Wisniewski. Why? Because they don’t want you to know about all their dirty financial deals.

Like this one: Our opponent Phil Murphy has invested millions of his Wall Street fortune in an offshore corporation, registered in the nation of Mauritius, called IREO Investment Holding,

Last year IREO announced a partnership with The Trump Organization to build what they called an “iconic office tower in the heart of one of India’s fastest growing cities, Gurgaon.”

That’s right — Phil Murphy has millions invested in an offshore foreign corporation that does business with Donald Trump.

New Jersey’s party bosses lined up behind Phil Murphy last year because he was rich. Now, as his dirty business deals are coming to light, they are panicking by doubling down on attacks against a good progressive — John Wisniewski.

More than ever, we need a governor with integrity to represent us in Trenton and transform our political system.

These swift-boat style attacks on a progressive leader are cowardly and we cannot allow them to succeed. Thanks for everything you’ve done to grow this movement in New Jersey. Together, we will win.

Robert Becker
Campaign Manager
Team Wiz

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