Scotch Plains Becomes Seventh New Jersey Locality to Pass Medicare for All Resolution

Scotch Plains Becomes Seventh New Jersey Locality to Pass Medicare for All Resolution
Pressure Mounts for Entire NJ Congressional Delegation to Support Universal, Quality Healthcare for All
Scotch Plans, NJ – Scotch Plains Township Council passed a resolution today in support of the Medicare for All Act of 2021, becoming the seventh New Jersey locality to pass a resolution supporting Medicare for All at the federal level.
The Council’s consideration of the resolution sends a strong message to New Jersey’s federal legislators that the residents of Scotch Plains are demanding an end to for-profit health care in favor of a universal system without copays or out-of-pocket costs.
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, 30 million Americans (700,000 NJ residents) lacked health insurance and an additional 57 million had health insurance but were still unable to afford needed health care. The record levels of unemployment in the last year increased those numbers, as millions lost their employer-based health insurance along with their jobs.
“It makes me proud to see the Scotch Plains Town Council take the initiative to pass this Medicare for All resolution,” said Sean Smith with Our Revolution Union County. “The healthcare of everyone in this country is one the most pressing issues of our time. I truly hope that many other towns in New Jersey follow Scotch Plains’ lead and send a message to our Senators and Congressmen that now is finally the time to pass this much needed legislation.”
Today’s resolution by the township council acknowledged that the pandemic further exposed the dangers of our fragmented, profit-driven health care system, which left far too many people in New Jersey more vulnerable to diseases like Covid-19.
“The coronavirus pandemic makes clear how important it is for all Americans to have health insurance. I am proud to support the call for Medicare for All,” said Joshua G. Losardo, Mayor of Scotch Plains.
The resolution is one of 56 that have been passed nationally in 2019 – 2021, and the latest to pass in NJ where six other local Medicare for All resolutions have already been passed with many others underway. The effort is being organized by numerous nationwide organizations including Public Citizen, Our Revolution and Healthcare-NOW.