Senator Booker Plays Central Role in Harrison Campaign’s  First Campaign Advertisement 

Senator Booker Plays Central Role in Harrison Campaign’s 
First Campaign Advertisement 

[June 15, 2020 – Longport, New Jersey] Brigid for South Jersey released today its first in a series of campaign advertisements promoting her candidacy for Congress in New Jersey’s second congressional district. This ad demonstrates Brigid’s close association and friendship with U.S. Sen. Cory Booker.   Looking into the camera, speaking directly to South Jersey voters, and narrating the television advertisement, Senator Booker showcases Brigid’s strong coalition of supporters, her background as a mother and teacher, and why she is the best Democratic congressional candidate to take on Jeff Van Drew in the general election.

In March, Senator Booker endorsed Brigid for Congress and filed a letter with the New Jersey Divisions of Election requesting that he specifically bracket only with her, ensuring that both candidates will be grouped together on every ballot in the second congressional district for the 2020 Democratic primary.

“I am proud of Cory Booker’s support of my candidacy. I am honored that Cory chose to bracket with me in each of our counties for the primary and I am proud to walk side by side with Senator Cory Booker in this election,” stated Brigid Callahan Harrison, Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 2nd congressional district.  “As Democrats, our partnership is based on a shared a vision for the future, commitment to the policies that matter to New Jersey, and most of all, doing the hard work to actually beat Trump and Van Drew in November.“

The following is a transcript of the advertisement:

Senator Booker: There’s a reason firefighters, grocery store workers and labor support Brigid Callahan Harrison for Congress.

Because Brigid is tough enough to beat Trump and Jeff Van Drew.

Brigid worked her way through college, raised 3 kids, and is one of New Jersey’s most respected educators.

She’ll always stand up for working people and better jobs.

South Jersey has never sent a woman to Congress – ever. Change that.

Elect Brigid Callahan Harrison.

The advertisement can be viewed here.

Senator Booker’s endorsement joins one of the most formative coalitions for a New Jersey congressional primary, which includes senior New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, Congressman Albio Sires, State Senate President Steve Sweeney, State Senator Dawn Marie Addiego, Assemblyman Adam Taliaferro, Assemblyman John Armato, Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo, Mayor Pete Byron, Wildwood, Mayor Teresa Kelly, Buena Vista Township, Mayor Jesse Tweedle, Pleasantville, Cumberland County Freeholder Joe Derella, Atlantic County Freeholder Ernest Coursey, Cape May County Democratic Chairman Brendan Sciarra, Cumberland County Democratic Chairman, Steven Errickson,Salem County Democratic Chairman Steve Caltabiano, Gloucester County Democratic Chairman Senator Fred Madden, Camden County Democratic Chairman, Senator Jim Beach, Burlington County Democratic Chairman, Joseph Andl.

In addition, the coalition also includes key local unions American Federation of Teachers New Jersey. United Camden and Vicinity Building Trades Council, South Jersey Building and Construction Trades Council, International Painters and Allied Trades, District Council 711, Atlantic and Cape May Counties Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO), Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local #4 & #5, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 351, Ironworkers Local #399, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 360, Teamsters Local Union No. 676, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 322, Cement Mason and Plasterers Union Local 592, UNITE HERE Local 54, and New Jersey Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association.

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