Senator Turner to Introduce Legislation to Temporarily Roll Back Gas Tax


Senator Turner to Introduce Legislation to Temporarily Roll Back Gas Tax


Trenton – Senator Shirley Turner announced plans to introduce legislation to temporarily rollback the gas tax for the costs of gasoline and diesel fuel for 60 days. The rollback would provide a cost savings of 29 cents per gallon on gasoline.


“The high cost of gas is impacting our residents who are now spending a larger amount of their household budget to pay for gas and are left with less for food and other expenses,” said Senator Shirley K. Turner (D-Mercer/Hunterdon). “In New Jersey, driving is a necessity for most of our residents and there is no avoiding the higher prices at the pump. Minimum wage workers and seniors on a fixed income are bearing the brunt of the pain at the pump. When gas prices increase, it has a ripple effect throughout the economy and increases the costs of everything else at a time when crushing inflation is already causing many people to make sacrifices and forgo even basic necessities, such as food and medicine.  Sticker shock is taking its toll on our consumers. If we do not provide relief to consumers now, it will drag down our economy and create more challenges for our state when we are just coming out of the economic impact of the pandemic.”


New Jersey’s gas tax of 42.4 cents per gallon is the fourth highest in the nation. The bill proposed by Senator Turner would rollback New Jersey’s gas tax to the 2016 rate of 14.5 cents, when it was among the lowest in the nation before it was increased under the new gas tax formula.

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