Sherrill Helps Reintroduce Key SALT Legislation and Fights for Long Overdue Relief Ahead of Upcoming Tax Negotiations

Sherrill Helps Reintroduce Key SALT Legislation and Fights for Long Overdue Relief Ahead of Upcoming Tax Negotiations

WASHINGTON, DC — Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) helped reintroduce her legislation to eliminate the harmful State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap for 99% of families. Sherrill has been a longtime leader in the fight to repeal this unfair double tax on New Jerseyans since it was first introduced by President Donald Trump in 2017. Now, she is renewing her efforts alongside Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17) ahead of Washington Republicans’ upcoming tax bill negotiations.

This legislation is the third pillar in Rep. Sherrill’s Lowering Costs for New Jersey Families Agenda, a legislative package she is introducing to make life more affordable and put money back into New Jerseyans’ pockets. Over the past few weeks, she has also introduced legislation to lower housing costs and reduce prices at the grocery store.

“It’s long past time that we secure significant SALT relief for New Jersey families. I’ve heard time and again from our teachers, police officers, firefighters, and public servants about how this unfair double tax puts additional pressure on middle class families and takes money out of New Jerseyans’ pockets. That’s why, once again, I’m fighting for my legislation that will repeal this unfair double tax for 99% of Garden State families.

“At the same time, I am working with the bipartisan SALT caucus to prepare for upcoming negotiations where we’ll fight for the ultimate goal — a full repeal of the SALT cap. Because, here in New Jersey, we’re going to continue to invest in our state — from our best-in-the-nation public schools, to our aging public transit system. Let’s not forget how the president capped SALT in the first place — and we’re not going to let Washington continue to take our hard-earned tax dollars while making New Jersey foot the bill,” said Rep. Sherrill.

“American families are being squeezed from every angle, and the unfair cap on SALT is a huge part of that burden for New York and New Jersey residents, hitting middle-class families the hardest. I’m proud to be working in a bipartisan way with Rep. Mikie Sherrill and other colleagues to help families stay in their homes, support their communities, and build a stronger future,” said Rep. Lawler.

In 2017, the president’s tax legislation imposed a harmful double tax and one of the largest marriage penalties in the tax code by capping the state and local tax deduction at $10,000/household. According to the Treasury Department, the SALT cap has prevented more than 11 million Americans from deducting over $300 billion in state and local taxes.

Since then, Rep. Sherrill has helped to pass through the House two separate pieces of legislation that would eliminate the SALT cap for the vast majority of New Jersey families through the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act and Build Back Better Act. She has also introduced two bills — the SALT Relief and Marriage Penalty Elimination Act and Tax Relief for Middle Class Families Act — that would end the SALT marriage penalty and provide substantial relief to families. She is also the only Democrat to be an original co-sponsor of the SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act. Furthermore, Rep. Sherrill led efforts in both the FY 2023 and FY 2024 Appropriations bills to include language prohibiting the IRS from putting restrictions on SALT relief delivered by state and local governments.

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