Traphagen Calls on Assemblyman Freiman: Stand with our EMS, or Get Out of the Way


“Traphagen Calls on Assemblyman Freiman: Stand with our EMS, or Get Out of the Way”


On Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, the Town of Clinton Council passed resolution #95-23, titled “Support for Bills S2946 and A4505.” These bills are designed to provide an increase in New Jersey’s Medicaid reimbursement rate from $58.00 per trip to $200.00 per trip for EMS Basic Life Support transportation. New Jersey currently has the lowest rate in the region, and one of the lowest in the nation. The rate for reimbursement hasn’t changed since 1994, yet the cost to provide these vital services has continued to rise, making it presently unsustainable for EMS providers.


“As the representative from the Council to South Branch Emergency Services, I requested that this resolution be added to our agenda, and I am proud that it received a vote of unanimous bi-partisan support from the Council. I have had the honor of working with the incredible men and women of South Branch for my entire tenure as Councilman, and I have seen first-hand the important work they do for our community in Clinton and across Northern Hunterdon County,” said LD16 Assembly Candidate Ross Traphagen.


“It is time that the legislature does its part to ensure our EMS providers, many of whom are volunteer, have the support they need to continue to do their vital work. The legislation is currently sponsored and co-sponsored in a bi-partisan capacity in both houses. However, there is one name that is notably absent: Assemblyman Roy Freiman. The 16th Legislative District is home to many EMS organizations that this legislation would provide much needed support to. I urge Assemblyman Freiman to support this legislation, and stand with the men and women in EMS who provide an honorable service to our communities in District 16.”


“As your Assemblyman, I will stand with those in EMS, and ensure these incredible first responders always have the support they need. It’s time for Roy Freiman to stand with our EMS and support this legislation, or get out of the way so new leaders can get the job done.”



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