Ruiz Goes off on Family Separation Policy in Emotional Speech

Senator Ruiz

TRENTON – Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D-29) this afternoon vigorously and emotionally backed a senate resolution denouncing the family separation policy of the Trump Administration.

“When my daughter is crying I run to her,” said Ruiz, who noted the children at the U.S.-Mexico border forcibly separated from their undocumented worker parents.

Applause erupted at the end of her tearful speech.

Senator Joe Cryan spoke first on the resolution, and Senators Pou, Rice, Cruz-Perez and Gill backed him up along with Ruiz.

Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr. objected at one point during Ruiz’s speech, and Senate President Steve Sweeney overruled him.

“It’s important for this senate to rise up and express, this is not the United States of America that I grew up in,” Sweeney said. “We as a senate should let Washington we don’t agree. America is a country that welcomes people.”

The Senate President presided over a voice vote and the chamber, backing the resolution, chimed, “Aye.”


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One response to “Ruiz Goes off on Family Separation Policy in Emotional Speech”

  1. Is this the same Democrat leader, Senate Pro Tempore, in the NJ State House, who refuses to move Bill S1340 entitled Safe and Responsible Drivers Act forward because of some in fighting amongst themselves?

    I can’t believe it’s the same person ignoring the request of her governor to fast track this bill in order to authorize the NJ MVC to issue a driver’s licenses to mothers and fathers driving their children to school, medical appointments, and church in fear because NJ legislators, including Senator Nellie Pou, president of the NJ Legislative Latino Caucus, refuse to pass this bill NOW.

    Oh, my Lord, it can’t be the same Senator Ruiz. If it is, then these are crocodile tears.

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