32BJ Statement on Labor Day


The following statement can be attributed to SEIU 32BJ President Kyle Bragg:

“This Labor Day, we recognize that organized labor is the strongest force in America for building the middle class and ending poverty. The labor movement has been built by everyday workers who stood together and risked their lives in the fight to improve conditions for all workers. Nothing came easy during fights for a 40-hour work week, workplace safety standards, employment benefits, and so much more that organized labor has been able to secure for all of America’s workers. Public support for unions continues to climb throughout the country, and 32BJ continues to grow and strengthen our membership every day.

“Over the past year, 32BJ won healthcare for thousands of frontline airport workers through the Healthy Terminals Act in New York and New Jersey. In Boston, thousands of contracted airline workers at Logan Airport joined 32BJ following a 7 year fight for better working conditions, fair pay, and a union. 32BJ also fought to secure prevailing wage provisions for Philadelphia’s airport workers providing workers with health care and living wages. In Delaware, our union celebrated its latest Fight for 15 victory by raising the minimum wage in the state to $15 per hour after an 8 year fight. In Baltimore, over 2,000 union and non-union contracted workers at Baltimore Washington International Marshall Airport and Baltimore Penn Station, who earn as little as $8.50 per hour plus tips will now see their hourly compensation rise to $17 per hour over the next five years under the new Secure Maryland Wage Act. And in Florida, 32BJ members helped pass a $15 statewide minimum wage for millions of workers, won recognition for more than 2,500 workers, and secured paid sick days for over 1,200 security officers.

“We have much more work to do to secure full dignity and respect for all workers. Our nation’s essential workers who put themselves and their families’ health on the line during our darkest days need more than an applause. We must show essential workers our gratitude for their sacrifices by securing family sustaining wages, benefits, and workplace protections. Supporting the workers who risked it all for this country is a smart investment—and a moral imperative.”


With 175,000 members, including 85,000 in New York, SEIU 32BJ is the largest building service workers union in the country.

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